Chapter One

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Alone. Helpless. No one to help me. I'm not even from around here. I'm so lost.

I wandered the streets of Tulsa. Out in the cold, my hair whipping in the wind. My nose stinging and my fingers frozen. Cars speed past me and occasionally honked. I flipped them off and kept walking, looking for a warm place to hide out.

I found an empty lot so I walked over to and laid down on the beat up, dirty couch. I pulled, what was left of my coat, around me. I shook as the wind whistles and screamed around me. I fell asleep shaking and scared out of my mind.

The next morning, I woke up to the suns rays blinding me and a jean jacket around my shoulders. A jean jacket? That's not mine...

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. It surely was warmer than last night. I looked around and saw a boy that looked about twelve. I gasped and looked at him.


He jumped. "Hi. Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I saw you sleeping here and I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine thanks. My name is Olive, call me Ollie." I said, holding out my hand.

"I'm Johnny. How old are you?" He asked, shaking my hand.

"I'm sixteen. How about you?"


Sixteen?! I thought he was twelve or something. Oops.

"So why are you out here sleeping in the cold?" He asked.

"I uh.. I'm not from around here. I don't have anywhere to go." I explained. He looked confused but didn't ask any further questions.

"Why don't you come with me?"

"I just met you. How do I know you won't kill me?"

"I promise I won't hurt you." He said sincerely.

I stood up and took his hand. We walked down the sidewalk and in gravel side streets. We came to a stop in front of a small, white, broken down home. It was small. I heard laughing and talking from inside. I got kind of nervous because it sounded like a house full of boys.

I looked at the boy next to me and he nodded. We walked through the front gate and up to the front door.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah. You'll be fine. I promise, these guys won't hurt you."

"There's only guys?!"

"Yes Ollie. You will be just fine." He responded as he opened the door.

The noise got louder as we walked in. Everyone looked over towards us. One with brown, lightly greased hair smirked. The one with big muscles stood up first.

"Hey johnny. Who's this?" he asked nicely.

"this is my friend, Ollie."

"i ain't ever seen her around." the brunette smirked.

"i haven't either." one with a chiseled jawline responded.

"well, ya see, she ain't from around here." Johnny said.

"how 'bout i show ya around, doll?"

"aw lay off Dal! you're gonna scare her away."

"i'll show her around!" one with a Mickey Mouse shirt on, said.

i looked at the ground, attempting to comprehend what is happening.

i'm in a house. full of hot guys. they're fighting over me. why? i'm nothing special.

"c'mon Ollie." Mickey said.

i looked up at him and followed him out the door. shutting it behind me.

"so where ya from?" he asked.

"uh... California." i responded.

"that's a long ways away." i nodded.

"What's your name? you know mine but i don't know yours."

"Two-Bit Mathews. my real name's Keith but i prefer Two-Bit."


"so why'd you come here of all places?"

"i don't know. i wanted to get away." i said, try not to overshare.

"hm okay." he replied.

we walked for a while in a comfortable silence. i walked next to him, clueless of where we were going. this is a lot different from California.

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