Chapter Ten

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"shut up!" he groaned. i stirred and slowly opened my eyes. i sat up and rubbed them.

"way to go ari. you woke her up."


i looked at two-bit and laid back down and covered my head. i yawned and scooted back so my back was against his chest and stomach. he held my hips and i fell back asleep.

what felt like ten seconds later, i woke up again. i got out from under the blanket and looked around. two was still laying with me, wide awake on his phone.

"two?" i mumbled, sleepily.

"mornin, sunshine." he smiled. i smiled and stretched my arms.

"what time is it?"

"almost 11."

"oh. that was the best sleep i got in the longest time."

he got out of bed and slipped some jeans on. he looked at me and i quickly looked away. i heard him chuckle. i felt my face get hot and i covered my head with the blanket.

i came out from under the covers and looked at him. he had all his clothes on and was grabbing a shirt off the hanger.

i watched him as he grabbed my spandex shorts out of the drawer. then he put my clothes on the bed. i got out of bed and looked at him.


"can you turn around so i can change?" i asked nicely.

he turned around and i changed into my clothes. my shorts were halfway up and i looked at him to make sure he wasn't peeking. he sat in the closet with his face in his hands. i finished changing.

"okay." he looked up and smiled.

"you look pretty damn cute in my shirt."

"oh stop." i said, my cheeks dusted with a light pink.

i went downstairs and sat on the couch, pretending not to see aria and sitting on her.

"ahh! ollie you're crushing me!" she squealed. i stood up and looked at her.

"oh sorry, i didn't see ya there." i laughed. i stood back up and went to two-bit and smiled.

"what do you want ollie?" he asked knowingly.

"hold me."

"you're lucky you're short." i smiled and he picked me up like a child. i wrapped my legs around his torso and his hands rested on my lower back. i leaned my head against his shoulder and sighed.

"good morning keith. good morning ollie."

"mornin momma."

"morning Katie."

i relaxed into his hold and almost fell asleep. he was rubbing my hair and whispering cute things to me.

"we are gonna go to the curtis's today." he said.


he started walking to the kitchen and i fell asleep again. i heard voices but the words were jumbled up and then they were gone.

i feel so safe with him. i actually sleep well, i eat good, and i can be myself. i can't do that with anyone else. not even his friends. i don't know them well enough and i have anxiety. after being abused for my whole life, i am very jumpy and afraid of everything.

i felt a hand on my cheek and i jolted awake. i looked up and saw two smiling.
i smiled back and rubbed my eyes.

i stood up off the bed and went to the closet. i got a flannel, a grey tank top and black ripped jeans and changed. i forgot that two was still in the room with me.

i turned around to grab my hairbrush and saw him looking at me with his eyes wide and his jaw dropped.

"shit." i said. i grabbed my hair brush and a hair tie and put it upon a messy bun. i did a little bit of makeup and looked in the mirror.

"okay let's go." i said.

he grabbed my hand and we went to the car. he opened the door for me and i got in and shut it. he went around to his side and got in and started the car.

he looked over at me and stared for a minute.


"you look really cute today."

"are you saying that because you saw me naked?"

"no. i'm saying that because your outfit is cute."

"thank you." i leaned over and kissed him. he kissed back and pulled away. he reversed and backed into his driveway and pulled out and drove to the Curtis house.

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