Chapter Five

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"Darry! i wanna fight too!" i pleaded.

"ollie.. i don't think that's a good idea."

"oh come on Darry. let her fight." soda said.

"i'll do good and i'll be careful. please?!" i begged.

"i don't know ollie..."

"c'mon Darry let her fight, man." the guys backed me up.

"oh alright. fine. but if you get stuck, call out for me or Dallas or Two-Bit. understand."

"yeah, yeah." i said, waving him off.

i focused on the tv. mickey and minnie were prancing across the screen. my eyes were locked on them, wishing i had a relationship like theirs.

i felt someone's presence so i looked over. two sat next to me smiling.


"how do you feel about a date after the rumble tomorrow night?"

"a date- date or just going to get food?"

"a real date. just us. what do ya say?"

"sure." i smiled.

"good." he said. he lightly draped his arm over my shoulders and i leaned into him. the sound of his heartbeat calmed my nerves like a cigarettes calms johnny's or beer settles two-bit.

i was starting to fall asleep until darry yelled that dinner was ready. two-bit tried to get up but i held him down.

"ollie i'm hungry." he whined.

"me too but i'm comfortable."

"tell ya what. if i get up and get our food, i'll let you sleep in my bed."



"alright." i let him up and he got our food and brought it back. i ate quickly and leaned against his shoulder.

"uh ol, i'm tryna eat."

"we'll i'm not. i'm tired."

"we didn't do anything today and it's not even seven o'clock yet."

"it was a long trip." i smiled. he chuckled and finished eating.

he started to get up and my head slid of his shoulder.

"hey! where you goin?"

"to put our plates in the sink."

"oh. don't die."

"how would i-" he said, as he ran into the wall.


"shut your trap." he smiled and rubbed his head.

i giggled and walked into the kitchen.

"so what about it?" steve said.

"she's my best friend."

"yeah. as if your best friend would sleep in your bed." he snarked.

"you're just jealous."

"i have a girlfriend dumbass."

"oh yeah.. Sleazy."

"it's Evie and she's not sleazy."

"oh, so you know what she's doing when you're out?"


"let me show you."

two took his arm and pulled him out the door. he walked him down to evie's house to show him. the curtains were wide open. and so were her legs. there was another guy in there with her.

"holy shit!" steve said.

"i told you she's sleazy."

steve stormed back towards the curtis house, extremely pissed. two-bit followed him.
they went inside and steve slammed the door after two got inside.

⚠️panic attack warning ⚠️

i looked at two with fear in my eyes. i began shaking. my eyes filled with tears and my breaths became uneven. i looked around the room. it was spinning. i felt dizzy. i was terrified.

i began twitching. all eyes were on me. steve kept yelling which scared me worse. i twitched and shook and tears ran down my face in streams.

"ollie. ollie talk to me." two panicked.

"i-i c-c-can't." i stuttered.

i hid my head in my hands and it eventually made its way between my knees. two embraced me close. steve hit the wall which made everything shake.

"g-g-get h-him o-out." i whispered to two-bit.

⚠️end of warning ⚠️

"steve you need to go cool off."

"no! i am not leaving. that little bitch can get over it! she's just playing poor, innocent victim!" he yelled.

i shot up and ran out of the house. i didn't care if anybody followed me. as long as it wasn't steve randle.

"OLLIE! OLLIE WAIT!" two called after me. i slowed down and turned around.

he ran up to me and hugged me tight. i sobbed into his chest.

"what happened back there ollie?"

"steve acted like my dad. yelling, slamming things around, hitting things. i needed out."

"lets go back and get aria and tel them goodnight." he said.


we walked slowly back to the curtis house. two's arm was around my shoulders and i leaned into him.

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