Chapter Nine

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it was a beautiful scene. we went to the lake and there was blankets set up with pillows and snacks. i loved it so much.

"two!" i exclaimed, slapping him excitedly.

"okay okay!" he chuckled.

i plopped down and looked at everything. i didn't have words to explain how excited i was. i started shaking and squealing.

"calm down ollie!" he laughed.

"i can't help it!" i said, twitching.

he watched me as i freaked out. he pulled me onto his lap and i blushed furiously.
he looked at me and smiled.

then, i kissed him.

he kissed back and then looked at me like i had four heads. he was utterly confused.

"what?" i asked.

"y-you kissed me."

"i know."


"i felt like it." i smirked.

he smiled and i kissed him deeply. he kissed back and put his hands on my lower back, pulling me closer.

we spent like twenty minutes making out. when we pulled away, we were both out of breath. i laughed and he laid down with me. i innocently squirmed on him to get comfy. he held my hips and groaned.

"are you okay?" i asked.

"i'm great." he smiled.

"oh okay."

i squirmed a little more and he moved my hips and groaned again. i slightly moaned. it felt really good.

"okay, okay. you gotta stop it." i said.

"why?" he smirked.

"this is my first date, two. and i'm not sure i'm ready." i said.

"oh okay. just let me know when you are. i'll wait for you."

he put his hands on my ass and we just laid there with our bodies pressed together.



"do you dig me?" i asked.

"ollie, if i didn't dig you, we wouldn't be here and we wouldn't have made out for twenty minutes."


"wait, ollie?"


"do you dig me?"

"yeah." i blushed. i've been here for a month now and i finally know what i feel when i'm with him.

"good." he smiled.


"will you be my girl?" he asked confidently.

"ya know.... i say hell yeah!" i said.

he squeezed my ass and kissed me. i gasped and kissed back and deepened it.

he held my hips and i wrapped my legs around him. i straddled him and kept kissing him.

"if you don't stop, this will go further than you want." he said, pulling away.

"i know. i just can't help it." i laughed.

he smirked and squeezed my ass one more time. i gasped and smacked his chest playfully.

i checked the time and shot up.

"what's wrong?" he asked.

"i forgot to take my pill!" i said, panicking.

"what pill?"

"my birth control!" his face went white.

"uh, do you have it?"

"no... it's back at the house."

"can you skip a day? or can you take it when we get home?"

"i'm supposed to take it every day at the same time."


"it's okay. i can skip one day."

i laid back down on him and he rubbed my hair and my back. i eventually fell asleep. i don't know if he did too.

a while later, i woke up and he was asleep under me. it was dark out now and i checked the time again.

i sat up and moved my hips, knowing that'll wake him up. he griped my hips and woke up.

"hi." i said.

"hi gorgeous." he smiled.

"it's dark out. we oughta get home." i said.

"okay." i got off of him and picked up the blankets and pillows and the snacks. he stuck his hand in my back pocket and we walked to the car.

he opened my door for me and i got in and he shut it. he got in on the drivers side and started the car. i leaned my head back against the seat.

"you okay ollie?"

"yeah, just tired." i said.

"okay." he started driving.

i fell asleep on our way home.

When we got home, we went inside and he smacked my ass. I squealed and ran upstairs. He slyly followed me and shut the door behind us. I laid down on our bed and smiled. I saw him lock the door and I smirked. I knew what he was planning. He climbed on top of me and kissed me deeply. I kissed back and ran my hands down his chest.

"We don't have to baby." He said. My heart melted.

"No its okay... I want you. Please Two." I begged.

He smiled and undressed me. I took his shirt off and looked at him.

He fiddled with his belt until it came undone. He slipped his pants and boxers down. I stared at him.

"Holy crap, you're huge!" I whispered.

•things happen•

I woke up in my bed, with two-bit talking to himself, next to me. i grabbed his hand and pulled him close to me. i cuddle into him and fell back asleep.

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