Chapter Twelve

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We went inside and I was shivering from the cold. Two looked at me and set me down and took off his leather jacket and put it on me. I smiled and wrapped it tightly around me.

Like the first night I was here.

I pulled, what was left of my coat, around me. I shook as the wind whistles and screamed around me. I fell asleep shaking and scared out of my mind.

Johnny... i looked at him and thought about his kindness. How he put his jean jacket over me. He was so kind. I had never known that people could be so...kind.

"Come on Ari. We're going home." Two said.

"coming!" She squealed. I smiled at her innocence.

Two picked me back up like a little kid and he grabbed his sister's hand.

"Bye y'all!" I waved.

A chorus of "bye"s followed and we walked outside.

Aria was skipping down the sidewalk and smiling and singing to herself. I watched her and smiled.

I never had a childhood. I had to grow up too fast. I never had freedoms like her. And my baby brother never got the chance to... glory I miss him. I want my baby brother back. I noticed myself tearing up.

One fell.

Two fell.

Three fell.

I hid my face in the crook of Two-Bits neck.

"Ollie? You ok darlin?" I just nodded.

We got to the house and he set me down. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and went up to our room.

"Bubby is sissy okay?"

"She's just fine, Ari. She's just sad."

"Why is she sad?"

"She misses her family." That made me cry harder.

"Oh... ollie it's okay. Don't cry." She said, patting my butt because she couldn't reach my back.

"I'm okay aria." I wiped my eyes and looked at her.

"This must look pretty funny huh?" I chuckled.

"Why would it?" Two asked.

"Because you are holding a 17 year old that's crying her eyes out and a five year old is walking next to us." I laughed. He laugh along with me.

We walked up the porch and into the house. We all went to me and twos room. I wiggled down and laid on the bed. He laid next to me and Aria laid on top of us.

"Just wait til the kid on top of us is ours and not my kid sister." Two said. I felt myself turn pink.

"That'll be nice."

"How do you make a baby?" Aria asked. My eyes got huge and two turned red.

"Uhh ask momma. She'll be home soon."

"Okay!" Aria said, moving around to get comfy.

I tried not to laugh but I failed horribly. A weird sound came out of my throat and I started laughing.

"Ollie!" Two laughed.

"I'm- sorry!" I said between laughs.

Aria looked confused but shrugged and clung onto two-bit. I smiled at her and she fell asleep. I rubbed her back and moved her hair out of her face. She's so cute. I think I want one...

I looked over at him and he was mumbling something. I couldn't make out what he said except, "Baby", "wife", and my name.

He didn't notice I was looking at him but he kept saying stuff like that.

"Don't get any ideas mister. I'm waiting til I'm married." I said.

"I'll marry you next year. You'll be 18 and I'll be 20."

I turned my head and kissed him. He smiled and kissed back.

"You will be my forever."

"You'll be my always."

Lonesomeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें