Chapter 14 - Two Boys Feuding Over Her Outside the Library

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"Good morning, Miss Hearst!"

"Have a good day, Miss Hearst!"

"Miss Hearst, we should play billiards sometime!"

I was pretty well-known around the men's campus now, after almost a month. I couldn't believe it had already been that long. Just when would I go back home? Honestly, I didn't want to. I wanted to live out my life seventy-eight years before I was born.

The cold wind filled with snowflakes whipped my curls hanging out of my blue 20s-style felt hat. It was the closest thing to a winter hat that I had that was fashionable and would go well with the cute coat that I wore. I was an outdoor girl, but I still liked to dress nice elsewhere when I could. Those actual beanie winter hats were going to be saved for the Alps.

I entered the main courtyard on my way to the library. My boots crunched the snow. I had put on those same winter boots that I tried on at that boot store, but I carried my normal shoes to change into once I got to the library. The snow was only a few inches deep, but I didn't want to ruin my new women's shoes, and I didn't want my feet to be painfully cold by the time I got to work because I wore shoes that weren't snow-proof.

A few other guys said good morning to me as they all were bundled up in their uniforms, with matching scarves and hats. Really, they looked like older men walking around because of their attire, but they were young men. I guessed that was because older men in my time would wear what they were used to wearing when they were young.

I entered the library building and went down the hallway to the entrance. When I came close to it, I saw someone standing there. My heart jumped the moment I saw him—Sandy. Why was he just waiting there, leaning against the wall, arms folded, and looking like a model, in his school uniform?

Another guy came down the hallway in the other direction, and I gasped. I quickly hid behind a suit of armor that was conveniently near me.

"Fancy seeing you here, Sandy."

Sandy leaned off the wall and faced Geoffrey. The day before at church, Sandy told me that he hadn't seen Geoffrey, and he didn't really want to see him. He spent the rest of the day after church working on the oxygen apparatus. I would have to ask him about the progress he had made.

"I'm here because I knew you would be here," Sandy said. "Katie will be here any moment, and you would want to speak with her. I wanted to stop that."

"I only want to apologize to her."

Sandy's features turned grim. He stepped up to Geoffrey, glaring at him. "You are not going near her again, you understand?"

His serious tone didn't faze Geoffrey. He folded his arms and gave Sandy a challenging look. "Oh really? When I'm going to Murren with the both of you?"

"Opt out. I don't want you near Katie after what you did to her. You may not remember since you were fall-over drunk, but you forced yourself on her and caused her to weep bitterly because of it. You really have gone too far this time."

"And that was just the thing, Sandy! I was drunk! I had no control over my actions."

"You had plenty since you were enough in your right mind to do what you did. For the first time since I have known you, I can say that I am displeased to be called your friend."

Geoffrey's lips lowered. "I made a mistake, Sandy. C'mon, we all have done them. You are bloody involved with a married woman for Christ's sake! You have no right to judge me!"

I hated to admit it, but Geoffrey had a point. Should I do something? Even if Geoffrey was an ass sometimes, he was still Sandy's friend. I didn't want to be the cause of the end of their friendship. I took a breath of courage and walked out from behind my metal man shield.

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