Chapter 15 - Infuriating but Fun Camping Trip in the Snowy Hills

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Eve sat there on her bed as I piled all the necessities for the camping trip on the rug where my bed was usually set up. She jumped when I threw my large, bulky black winter coat onto the pile of sweaters, long underwear, those boots, socks, a sleeping bag, personal items like a brush and the 20's equivalent of a toothbrush and toothpaste. There was also the 20s version of sanitary items since Mother Nature unfortunately arrived sooner than I thought—something called a May Kit that required you to make your own sanitary pads. What I would give for some modern tampons. The bag I would put all my gear in was underneath the pile.

"It's only going to be an evening, a night and day," Eve commented as she stared at the pile. I tossed another pair of thick wool socks on the pile, just in case the other three pairs got wet from being in the snow. The story about the guys in Spitsbergen and how their shoes and socks got soaked through by wet snow came to mind, so I wanted to be prepared.

"I know, I just want to make sure I have everything. Rodney and Ian are going to be in charge of the recreation and food, so I wouldn't have to worry about that. What am I missing?"

I tapped my lips with my pointer finger as I thought. It came to me. "Oh! A pillow!"

I tossed that onto the pile. Eve said, "Remember that Marjory will be in that tent with you. You two will need room."

My smile faded as I remembered that. "Yeah... well, at least all this stuff could shield me from her."

"You really dislike her, don't you?"

I gave her an incredulous look. "You do, too."

"Yes, but for a whole different reason. You are so loony in love with Sandy, and she stands in the way. Really, I hope something happens between the two of you, like a kiss, and not a kiss on your forehead like the last two times."

My nerves tingled at the thought of actually kissing Sandy. "Those two kisses were really sweet, though. I felt like I was on the moon each time, even if one of them happened after what happened with Geoffrey at that restaurant."

"And that is exactly what I mean! Sandy has feelings for you, he is just not going fully forward because of Marjory."

I knelt on the floor and started putting things into the duffle bag. "Nothing will happen on the camping trip since Marjory is coming along. Plus, even if Sandy has feelings for me, they will disappear the moment I tell him the truth."

"You really should not have procrastinated telling him where you are really from and what may happen to him if he goes to Everest. If any more time passes, then..."

I knew what she meant. "I know. Mr. Harris at the library warned me of the same thing while I was talking about it with him. I think I'll just tell Sandy and get it over with. I told you the first day I came. It shouldn't be so hard to tell him."

"I think it is more difficult since this concerns him, and you two have become so close." She knelt down next to me and took my arm, a pleading look in her blue eyes. "Please, please tell him, and very soon. At the very least, Sandy will go to Everest and will take necessary precautions that will not cause his death." She shook my arm, and it broke my heart to see tears in her pretty blue eyes. "Please, Katie. I don't want to lose my closest brother, my best friend. Please."

I really owed it to Eve to do this for her, if for no other reason. She and Sandy were so close growing up since they both had the adventurous spirit, and they were pretty close in age. I nodded. "Okay, I will try and tell him this weekend and deal with the consequences. Even if he hates me for telling him, at least he would know the truth."

"He is not going to hate you. He is mad about you."

"We don't know that for sure."

"I am his sister, who has known him since he was born. He is mad about you. And even if he gets angry, I can always talk sense into him like I have always done."

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