Chapter 28 - Back at Merton College with Some Good News

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My mouth stretched into a large yawn as I folded up one of my dresses and placed it into my suitcase. The trip had come to an end, this trip of adventure, hard work, love and revelation. Honestly, it was the greatest vacation I had ever had, topping any mountain that I had climbed in my lifetime. The only other mountain that would top it, literally and figuratively, was Everest... and I could be going there.

Knocking sounded on my suit door, and my heart jolted from the surprise. I heard, "Katie, may I come in?"

"It's open!"

In came Sandy, wearing a white collar shirt and black slacks. I sat there staring up at him as he came in and shut the door. My mouth opened slightly.

"Why do you stare at me like that?" he asked with a cute smirk.

"Why do you think? You're incredibly hot."

He chuckled and sat down with me on my left. "Hot, huh? I rather like that description. Is it a futuristic way of calling someone handsome?"

"Yeah, it's future lingo."

"Can it also mean beautiful?"

"It can, only it means a little more than that. Think steamy and sexy."

He put his arm around me and pulled me to him. His low, husky voice in my ear, as well as his clean scent since we bathed, made all my nerves tingle... "That is a very accurate description of you, especially when you are not wearing a stitch of clothing."

I let out a gasp as my cheeks heated intensely, and at the memory of the other night when he was in the same state. "Well, I can say the same thing to you."

The distance closed between us, and before we could get to into the kiss, I broke away, giggling. "Sandy, I have to pack, and so do you. We leave at 4am tomorrow morning."

"I am well aware. But you know we can always sleep on the train."

I saw the seductive glint in his blue eyes, and my heart banged inside of me because of it. "Raincheck, okay?"

"But we are headed back to the college, and I have many things to do before leaving on Saturday."

I stared at those blue eyes, really taking in what he was telling me. Yes, we wouldn't have much time to spend together in that sense since we lived in separate dorms and he would be busy preparing to leave. I gulped as he leaned in close to my face.

"I... guess I could take a break," I muttered as his lips were so close to mine. His stretched into a smile.


He leaned in and kissed me again and continued kissing me until he had me on my back on the bed. We had started untucking and unbuttoning clothing, but another knock came to the door. We both let out some laughter.

"Sorry..." I said.

"Why do you apologize? Go get the door."

He rolled off of me, and I stood up. I buttoned up my dress before answering the door. It was Arnold. "Oh, hi, Arnold."

"Hello, Katie, and I see that Sandy is in there as well. I really hope I am not interrupting anything."

I saw the twinkle in his eye, and I smirked. "No, I was just packing and Sandy was keeping me company."

Sandy came to the door. "I thought I would help since I am all packed."

"Uh-huh, well, if you lovebirds wouldn't mind, Sarah, Peter and I would love it if you both could join us for some tea and desert before you both leave tomorrow morning. Peter is in tears because he is going to miss you both so much."

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