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This is inspired by the song my heart cant you go by sara evan its attatched

After you join Steve to fight against Tony Stark who was your old friend and as you and Bucky got close. You bother were captured by Hydra and were made to fight all the time. When we were brain washed you hated each other but there was that feeling of knowing each other. So when you escaped you left together.

We tried to so the dating thing but it didnt work and it killed you. Bucky thought that hydra put those feelings in us when i keep telling him that i dont feel like that is what is going on. So things fizzle. We both go to wakanda to go to cyro sleep while they work on getting minds resst so tjat the trigger words wont trigger us anymore.

I got out faster so immediately i leave as fast as i can and hide out with sam because we all know he would not go there. But thing was i thought i had gotten done first but no i was wrong. I was programed longer than he was so we i went to visit steve i see him there.

I gasp and back up at the sight of him kissing a woman i recently learned was Peggy Carters niece Sharon Carter. I run out not know he was running after you. "When did get back" he says so i say sniffing since tears are falling "why were you with her" he huffs why does it matter". I get in his face "you know I love you. And you when you told me you two done. So i let you in guess what its a living hell being in love with someone who is in love with me."

I take a breath as he looks me "but when i look at youre sad eyes my heart cant say no. Its like you have this hold on me. So please leave me alone i cant do this so please leave me alone." I turn to walk away and my hand is grabbed to pull me in front of him "don't pretend to understand what i felt before wakanda. I came out and you werent ready and i didnt want to bother after everything so i came to steves and she was here."

He takes a breath before starting again "you dont know what it was like to get the clarity i needed and i knew i loved you i never loved her. I was missing you and i was telling her that when she kissed me i swear she had to of seen you and kissed me but it was nothing i swear." I snare at him " i will give this a chance but first this". I walk to Sharon and push her in the face "you are lucky i didnt use my strength or i probably would of broken you face". I walk away and kiss Bucky and take his hand and we walk away leaving everyone stunned.

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