Part 37: Bucky

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You were on a mission with the avengers. You had powers but never really had to good a a control of them. So when fighting against Tony because he was going after Bucky it was like something snapped in you. You had recently begun to fall in love with Bucky and would do anything for the man. You fight anyone who stood in your way. So when you where fighting with Steve and Bucky against Tony it was in a instant that something happened. It started because Tony blasted off Bucky's metal arm.

It was like a surge of energy but it ripped through you as it blasted out. You were floating in the air currently trying to contain it. Bucky was watching you. He was in awe of you. This man was in love with you and as he watches you as you control of yourself.

You never seemed to amaze him. Eventually you float down and land in front of him. He just stares at you for a minute before pulling you close. "How is it that every time I see you use your powers i fall in love with you even more?" he says before kissing you. You see a cut on his arm his human you place your hand on his and heal him and he sighs "you know i hate when you heal me " he says and you giggle at him.

"Well someone has to besides I have plans for us later do not involve you being hurt. I need you to be able to keep up with me" you say and he just smiles. You look back at Tony with sorry eyes and walk out with Steve holding Bucky up and head to Wakanda. Where you work on your powers while Bucky goes into cyrosleep so they can get the hydra words out of his head and they work on a new arm for him.

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