Part 46: Bucky Part 1:

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In a instant it was gone. The love of your life fallen to his death.  It was like the world had stopped. He never said goodbye and that killed you. You would do anything to be with him. And you tried but Steve stopped you. The only way you saw him was when you were dreaming so you felt like if you never woke up he would always be there.

So when you jumped from a bridge Steve was there to save you. But because you were dying and they wanted to try the super solider on a woman they used it on you. So when Steve went in the ice you stopped being a solider and went on with your life in hiding.

So in the future when you heard about Steve being alive you went to find him and ended up being a avenger. So that day on the bridge fighting the winter soldier and the mask came off your world stopped once again."Bucky" you say in a whisper and he looks at you confused "who the hell is Bucky" he says and you watch him leave with tears falling down your face.

Back at the compound you lock yourself in your room. What you didn't know was that he remembered you. He was confused as to how you could be alive when he realized the date. All he knew was that there was no way you could possibly be alive.

When you meet again you once again freeze. All the pain you felt all these years hit ten times harder. As you fight hydra soldiers he sees you get stabbed and it was like something in him snapped. He kills the soldier who stabbed you and grabs you and runs with you.

Once he figured you were save he put pressure on your wound hoping you were ok. So when you opened your eyes he was flooded with relief. You reach up to touch his face to see if he was real and he was. "James" you say and he smiles at the name since you were the only one to call you that. "Yes doll it's me" he says and you smile as that was your nickname. You sigh "I missed you so much" you say and he hugs you and you wince in pain and he tries to pull away but you stop him. "No please I missed you"you say and he continues to hug you until help came.

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