Part 42: Sebastian

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You were a normal person with a normal job. Right now you were a housekeeper at a hotel. You had heard from your boss that some big celebrity was coming to stay at the hotel but did not say who. So when you were taking your cart off the elevator you bumped into someone. You look up to apologize when you see that Sebastian Stan was standing in front of you.

At first you were at a loss for words but eventually you hear yourself say "oh my gosh I am so sorry" as you bend down to pick up the mess that fell off your cart. You notice him bend down to help you and you look at him. "So Y/N" he says reading your name tag " would you mind helping me to my room" he asks and you nod "of course" you say.

He pushes the button to his floor after getting his luggage on the elevator. Once on the floor you walk to his room with him. You set the luggage in the room. As you leave you hear "Y/N what time do you get off he asks and you say "5". He nods "would you like to hang out after if you aren't to tired" you stand there not knowing what to say so you eventually you say "of course" and walk out. Once on the elevator you let out a breath you did not know you were holding in. You suddenly get nervous yet excited for what was to come.

Do not ask what this is. I was at work of course a housekeeper and this popped in my head.

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