Chapter 1: "Acceptance"

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It was a normal morning in Inkopolis. ACTUALLY IT WAS VERY EARLY MORNING- one Evolved Jelly fish had decided to wake up. Of course, she still lives with her family despite being 18. There was no way she could leave her siblings with such horrible parents.

It was currently 5am. The cafe that her family ran would open within an hour. So, she dressed in her pink dress with a white apron. She decided not to change her glasses that day. She thought she would just go with the mushroom glasses and earrings like normal.

The girls name was Bubble. And she had already left her 'house'. Though she wouldn't consider it a house. Not a house of good. By this time her friends, Luz, Blueberry and Sketch were awake. Well they weren't just her friends. They were her teammates as well. They weren't the best team in Inkopolis. Considering everyone calls them the 'dumbest team in Inkopolis.'

  But she didn't mind. As long her and her team were having fun. Though she wasn't the leader, it was Luz. She always had great strategy. She was the brains of they're group. Though bubble would help sometimes too. She has the technology for it too. That was bubbles specialty. She was always good with computers and drawing.

Luz was good with planning ahead. Or planning in general.

Blueberry's too fast on the battle field, you can hardly catch her.

Sketch can distract the other team easily. It's really funny. Though it's even funnier that. They all main the craziest weapons but they somehow win.. is it luck? Not really.

But by this time bubble had already made it to the cafe. It wasn't that far from her house. It was located directly in the square. Though eventually it would be moved to a new place being built called 'splatsville'. She hated the idea of moving, not again. Though she thought about it for a while. It would be nice for a new start. But everytime they move, it's always the same thing.

The yelling. The arguing. The scars. The blood. Everything. But the one thing she's happy about, she was saving money to move out. Just a couple more weeks of work and she would be able to flee home. But the one thing that was holding her back. Were her siblings. She couldn't possibly leave them. But she couldn't take them either. The only person she could possibly take would be cream.

Bubbles cat. He was currently following her to the cafe. He hated staying at her house while she was away. Honestly the girl didn't mind, all he did was sleep on the register or by it. And he loved it when people gave him pets and scratches. He was always so friendly.

She unlocked the door to the cafe. And cream automatically laid by the register. She had 30 minutes until the cafe opened. And that was all she needed. She has to clean out all the coffee machines from yesterday. Plus it was only her working there. So she didn't have to worry about bossing people around. Which she didn't really liked to do.

But there was a huge downside. Creeps would constantly come in the cafe and start saying ill-minded things. And she had no one to call for help. How did she handle it? Well, she threatens to call the Police. Most of them flee at that time. So she hasn't really had the need to actually call the police.

Though shes made quite a few friends from working here. But she finds it most adorable when couples come in for a date and such. She makes special drinks for them and everything. And they really appreciate it. Mostly everyday before her shift ends. Luz, blueberry and sketch come to help a little. Since straight after they go into turf war. Of course, she doesn't go in her work clothes. Often that is.

Sometimes she won't even have time to change after. But she doesn't mind. Considering the dress is long. During battles, she's the bucket mainer. Soda slosher to be specific. She only likes it cause it's long range and it a slosher. She hates close contact. But that bad thing is. Snipers always get her. She can't escape them fast enough. Unless they have terrible aim. And she put little stickers on her slosher.

Luz mains the hero charger replica. It's kinda annoying to be honest. She'll do a full 360 and still somehow snipe a person.

Blueberry mains the Kensa octobrush. Very annoying as well, especially with the stamper and and her speed. She can easily out run anyone. She has all speed chunks on her shoes for that matter.

Sketch is a Neo-splash-o-matic mainer. He's very faster as well. Which means you'll see him in one place and he'll be gone the other. And pop hes behind you ready to splat you- or hell distract you with a confusing action.

Out of all four of them. Luz takes the battles seriously. Bubble takes it mutual. And sketch and blueberry don't take it too seriously. They'll joke around the whole time. But nonetheless she still loves her team.

Continuing on, she had already finished up setting up Everything for the morning. And she had the sweet treats ready too. Currently she was reading a manga called 'kiss me not him' (MY FRIEND TOLD ME TO WRITE THIS NOT ME LANAOAOAOAO) She was re-reading the whole collection. Right under the cash register was her collection. Neatly sorted but volume and series.

'5 more minutes until it opens..then I'll change the sign..' Bubble thought to herself. She contuined reading. She already saw squids and Octolings coming into the square. Most of these woke up to train. And they would come here. Bubble's friends would come down her once she opened. They stayed in the backroom though. Where the rest of her manga and book collection was. And a pin board of pictures and a big to-do list. She usually got off at 1pm.

Though the cafe was open until 10pm. But after 1pm her parents would take over. Her siblings were too young to work still. They were both 10 and 9. Though they could handle themselves just fine. Cream would find his way home by himself after bubbles shift was over. But it had barely started.

Bubble got up and turned the sign stay that they were open and unlocked the door. And she went back to reading her manga. And cream sitting by windows and such. Cream was always tired and always slept or cuddled with you. Sometimes he would sit with customers at they're tables. The customers didn't mind. Cream was very sweet anyways.

The bell when the door opened ringed and of course. It was her friends

Bubble: h-hey guys! D-do you want a-anything?..

Sketch: sandwich please!

Blueberry: Muffin! Muffin!

Luz: just a coffee is fine..

Bubble: A-alright! You g-guys can go i-in the back!

Her friends headed off into the backroom as said earlier. And started making they're things they wanted. Bubble was very good at multi tasking. It was another one of her specialties. But shes learned to do that, through 'ways'.

After a couple of minutes she was already done. Bubble could manage to carry everything in one go. And that's what she did. She carried the coffee in her hand and carried the other two plates on her arms.

Sketch: Thank you!! :D

Blueberry: Thanks!! :0

Luz: thanks I guess..

Bubble: your w-welcome..

Bubble walked out back to the front where someone was waiting.


It was already 1pm. Bubbles parents didn't look too pleased. Bubble didn't even look at them when she went to change. They never talked to her Anyways. They treated her like nothing. The rest of the group stared at them. They didn't like them either. They saw how they acted before. And what they did specifically.

After a while bubble came out dressed in her blue lo-tops and blue hoodie. And still with her mushroom glasses. As well with her soda slosher.

Bubble: a-are we gonna g-go?..

Luz: yeah..let's head out!

Sketch: yayayay!!

Blueberry: Alright!

All four of them left. Carrying they're weapons too deca tower. Before entering the tower, bubble stood outside. She hated turf war's. And ranked. They always scared her. Everyone got so aggressive somehow. It's just a game, what's all to be worked up about? Even the close contact worried her. A couple weeks ago something terrible happened during a turf war. Something she doesn't like to talk about. Only if she could-


Bubble ran into deca tower all the way to her team. Hopefully they weren't against someone they knew.


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