Chapter 11: 'Im sorry..' [FINAL ARC]

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Its only been a few days since Sketch went missing and bubble and god knows who else. Blueberry and Luz were panicking at the lost of their two friends, who wouldn't panic if their friends went missing.

Luz: He took bubble again..once this is over im gonna make sure that 'Sketchy' doesn't come back.

Blueberry: I seriously thought we got rid of him..And its only been a month..

The two squids were walking around Inkopolis, walking past Deca tower which was unusual. And they headed for the small corner were Spyke would Hang out.

Luz: Thankfully, I have a tracking device on Sketch whenever this happens and the signal seems to be coming from the metro..

Blueberry: I never imagined we'd end up here again..But I'll make sure what happened all those years ago doesn't happen again.

Luz: hopefully..

They went down a familiar set of steps, a set of steps they never imagined they'd go down again. But for the greater good, they did.

After finally making to the end of the stairs, The same old smelly place came back to them. The blender still lay broken on the floor, a few pieces missing. But they weren't the ones who broke it.

Blueberry turned on her phone flashlight, it was surprisingly dark considering its always somehow lit up. But now there was nothing, its almost like someone took the zapfish for something bigger.

But in the corner of their eye, they caught a glimpse of light. Considering it was so dark, they never imagined to see even just a slight piece of light.

Luz: That's odd..The whole Metro is out of power besides that little corner..

Blueberry: We should check it out to make sure if its them or not.

Luz: Right.

The pair jumped onto the train tracks to the left side of the metro, which where the light of coming from. Never explored this side of the metro so it was something new to somewhat loo forward too.

They made it to the top of the other side, standing infront of the door. Their feeling of confidence completely faded when standing infront of the door.

Blueberry: I felt my ego just drop-

Luz: Seriously-

Even though the two squids were scared they slowly opened the door and all that could be seen was a bright light. And the distant sound of a door opening, even though the door was opening infront of them.

They could hear the slight sound of talking, from two voices they recognized very well. Or at least Blueberry did.

Grape: I never wanted happen..but im so weak..i let it all happen..

Chris: ...It wasn't your fault...if it was anyone's fault its mine, i let them take Alice too..So its my fault.

The two squids heard the sudden talking and screamed.

She covered half of her face still calling out to them.

Blueberry: please be them and not decoys..

The bright light eventually faded, the room slowly started to reveal itself.
Around the room was multiple test tubes. The exact size to fit and inkling or Octoling. And the shadows of bodies showed in each tube. But one of them caught their eye.

[ New Title And Cover ! ] A Game Of ChanceМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя