Chapter 2: "WHAT IN THE WORLD-"

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After entering Deca tower they saw team chaos. Which contained, Zach, Mochi, Max and Alex. bubble noticed them walk into the lobby. The only reason why Bubble realized who it was cause of Max. Max and her used to be a thing. Until it just didn't work out completely. And it really broke her heart.

Zach was your average smug Inkling rich kid. Always rubbing Victory in others faces.

Mochi was a psycho Octoling. Craving nothing but inflicting pain on others

Max was a flirty Inkling. Even telling him to stop. He wouldn't.

Alex was probably the only normal one. He was always happy. Always smiling like sketch. He deserved so much more.

Blueberry: you see them too huh?

Bubble: Y-yeah..

Luz: don't worry about it, they're just little wimps..

Sketch: imagine if we go against them!

Blueberry: not helping! But like that'll ever happen!

All of them laugh for a while.

As the next battle starts. The two teams are revealed. Team melody and team chaos.

Blueberry and bubble: IT HAPPENED-

Blueberry: *grabs sketch by his shoulders shaking him* YOU JINXED IT YOU IDIOT-


Luz: calm down..if we come up with a good strategy, we'll be fine.

Bubble: r-right..

Sketch: yeahhh!!

Luz: you know the rules right sketch? Don't let sketchy take over. At all. Well get kicked out again. Same with you Bubble. Keep it cool.

Sketch: Right!

Bubble: okay..

Unfortunately these two had some issue going on behind them. Sketch would have someone take over his body and control him. He wouldn't even act like the sketch you see right now.

And as for bubble. She had water powers. Kinda like a water bender. But they only came in affect when she was mad. Which was hardly ever.

Blueberry: so I'm assuming since we're at ancho V games. We stick to our normal plan?

Luz: Yup! Just spread out! And don't let them catch you!

Sketch: so like- tag right?

Bubble: i-im assuming..

Blueberry: isn't every battle like tag though-

Luz: focus! It's about to start!

Both teams went into their own ink. Soon rising from it.

One team being the color pink (team melody) the other cyan (team chaos)

Ink the most turf to win!

Today! We have Team melody and Team chaos! The last time these two teams went against each other, team melody experienced a crushing defeat!

Team melody clearly remembered that experience. They were all beaten to a pulp. Literally-



Both teams began turfing around they're spawn. Both sides making quick progress.

Blueberry and Luz headed up front. Blueberry to turf and guard and Luz to snipe. Luz was a very fast sniper. Considering she was a giant squid and shark mixed together. It would be unfair to any other team of she mained a normal weapon.

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