Chapter 10 (Part 1): Unexpected.

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I never expected this to happen again, I thought we took care of him. That he was finally gone, but we were mistaken. All those innocent people, taken in his hands. This is a world in catastrophe.


It was a normal day at the Reef spesifically, two Inklings hanging out on a NORMAL day.

Grape: that guy did some cool tricks didn't he? :3

Chris: yeah.

Grape: Oh come on, lighten up! You haven't even smiled once since we got here!! ^^

Chris: I just don't like public places y'know?

Grape: yeah, I understand! But you should totally go out more often! You remind me of Ghost a lot..he doesn't like to go out..But if I beg him enough he gives in! >:3

Chris: that's surprising..

The two Inklings we're just leaving the Reef finally after walking around for a while. They passed by an alleyway, as a familiar inkling boy was leaning on the wall.

Sketch was his name.. remember him do you not? But this wasn't was in the peculiar.


As the two Inklings walked passed the alleyway, Sketchy eyed them. He's not dumb, he knew who they were. A team formed by Chris, Emperor's little brother alongside Prince.

Sketchy slowly slide out the alleyway, he appeared to have a hoodie on. To hide himself, and he slowly followed behind them.

The two Inklings Infront of him still talking. How could you possibly care and love one gross that sounded.

The mention of love made sketchy's blood boil. There is a reason, a reason we never speak of.

And seeing these two Inklings...listen and care..he had to take them.

And thats what he did.
As soon as those inklings we're alone. He Strikes.

Grape: it sucks walking least Chris is home :3
Sketchy sneaked up behind the girl

Grape turned around

Grape: huh? Who's there? :<..
Grape started to get scared.
For the first time actually..

The figure came out from behind her
Sketchy: Remember me?..


Next was Chris..


It was currently 1am..
Chris was still up, he just couldn't sleep which was very odd.

Sketchy got to the closest window by his bedroom. Making you suffer is the best feeling in amazing..

Chris heard shuffling from outside, he knew someone was out there. And he closely approached the window.

Chris: I know your out there, your not fooling anyone.
He grabbed one emperry dualie that was on his bedside table.

Sketchy was pushed up against the side of the wall. He liked the feeling of taking the risk of getting caught. It was so intoxicating..

He snapped get again.

He grabbed Chris by his neck.

Sketchy: Surprise~..glad to see me?~..

Chris: WHAT.

Sketchy dragged Chris out the window..Stuffing him a noise cancelling bag..those exist? now they do thanks to the help of D.O..

Sketchy opened the bag again to reveal an angry Chris. He was Punching and Kicking trying to escape, but he knew for a fact it wasnt going to work. So Sketchy quickly took out these small teal looking pills and stuffed a few in Chris' mouth. And Chris was left unconscious..

Sketchy eventually made the bag disappear within a snap of his fingers. Next was someone he didnt know quite well himself. But he knew Sketch knew, and he was planning something way worse. But Kyra wasnt going to let her guard down that easily.

"trust your body it reacts to right and wrong better than your mind does"

Sketchy made his way across town to see a hareling named Kyra talking to a purple haired inkling boy. He saw them wave their goodbyes and watched Kyra walk into the small house and close the door. But luckily they had a hatch on the roof of their house, and that when his plan came into action.

Sketchy sneaked in through the hatch on the roof. And it lead straight to the other living room Kyra's family owned upstairs.  Her family was fairly wealthy, so he wouldn't just be taking Kyra.

He sneaked over to Kyra's room, avoiding all the cameras that were around. Kyra's door was slightly cracked open, he peaked inside to see Kyra on her laptop at her desk. And all he could see was bank account, maybe she was transferring money? But to who?

That wasn't important anymore, all he needed was her. Luckily she had headphones while on her laptop. He took out a small cloth napkin and opened it. And he slowly snuck behind the girl.

He cupped his cloth napkin onto her mouth and nose so she couldn't breathe. Kyra panicked, automatically trying to get lose and catch air. But unfortunately for Kyra, she passed out after 5 minutes.

Sketchy dragged her out the hatch in a different noise cancelling bag. Teleporting her away in the process.

Sketchy: thats the last one for today...
He took out a walkie talkie and turned it on

Sketchy..are you okay?

Yes im fine..Which ones do I have left?

Three idols, Noelle, Brooke and Derek..

I'll get those three later, I have to check on bubble..

Alright i'll keep the location on those three for you though.

Thank you.


Sketchy finally arrived to their hideout, this time it was underground. It wasnt the best, but its better than what they had last time. He walked to the huge green tinted test tube that was holding bubble.

You'll be back to us...our superweapon, you'll be back in shape.
Even though the world is in Catastrophe.


Chapter 10 Part 1

"when death
takes my hand
i will hold you with the other
and promise to find you
in every lifetime"

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