Chapter 4: "GRIZZCO?!"

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It was a normal morning like any other. Bubble already being at work reading her manga, and her friends barely getting up.
Business was slow today supprisly but this was a good thing for bubble. Of business was slow then she'd had to close early!

And that's what happened, Bubble closed at 5pm earlier than usual. A couple minutes later bubble was sweeping around the cash register until.

*Tap, tap, tap*

Bubble looked towards the door and of course. It was none other than her own friends. Of course she let them in it was quite cold outside anyways.

Blueberry: hey bubs!

Luz: hey kid. *She pat the jelly's head*

Sketch: Hai! :D

Bubble: hey..s-sorry for closing early.. business w-was slower than u-usual..

Luz: heh, it's alright! I mean it is pretty cold out. You should be more concerned if your brought a sweater or not-

Bubble: I did! I did!

Luz: alright then..

Sketch: we only asked that since we're going to grizzco! I need the money for hockey gear-

Bubble: t-that doesn't make sense t-to ask if I-i have a sweater.

Sketch: I know! But hurry up so we can go!

Bubble: alright..


Bubble: I'm ready! Let's go!

Blueberry: alright, Come on! Mr. Grizz is expecting to see us! Even more so you bubble!

Bubble: why me?

Blueberry: remember, Mr. Grizz hasn't hired you he needs more people!

Bubble: true..

*Blueberry grabbed bubbles hand, practically dragging her.*

Blueberry: come on guys! We don't wanna be late!!

Bubble: I think we're gonna be even more late with you dragging me..

*Blueberry let's go of bubble.*

Blueberry: right, sorry!

Bubble: i-its fine..

Luz: alright, Let's head out!

Sketch: YAYY!!

**All four of them make they're way to Grizzco.**

Luz: this should be rich.. SplatNet isn't showing what the weapons are for this salmon run..

Bubble: it doesn't do that normally?..

Blueberry: nope! So these might be some special weapons hehe-

Sketch: I'm so excited!!!

Luz: when are you ever not..

Sketch: you have a point..but still!!

Blueberry: let's just get inside so bubble can get hired and stuff..

*The four of them went inside of Grizzco.*

Mr.Grizz: right on time kid, I got work for ya.

Blueberry: hey Grizz! I was actually wondering if you could hire my friend bubble!

Bubble: hi..

Mr.Grizz: hm, I don't see why not. I could use a few more workers.. just sign these papers and you can get a uniform.

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