Chapter 19^2: "I can't forget the past."

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Do you remember a time when everyone loved you?
Exactly, you can't.
Because nobody ever loved you.

You won't admit what you did.



I woke up again, even though I really didn't want to that day. Luz has been checking up on me every since... The incident.
Some part of me feel horrible for making her do this. But then again, I blame myself, I blame everything. sometimes i feel so... So dull... Everything's just... nothing new anymore. . .

Why does it have to be about me all the time..

I lay and my bed and sulk, nothing feels the same anymore. I remember the past, the past that once was the present.

Have you ever heard the saying that 'Your past doesn't define who you are as a person' ? For me, I feel like that doesn't apply to me. I am what I am because of what happened in the past, without that...

Who the hell would I be now..?


It's my phone..


" Hello..? "

" Bubble ..! Thank God you answered, I called you several times and you didn't answer... Kinda made me worried. "

" Oh sorry.. I was still sleeping.. "

" Oh, are you not working today..? "

" No, not today, don't feel like working today.. "

" Maybe you can come train with us again..? You haven't trained in a few weeks.. "

" Um,... No I'm.. I'm good I think I just wanna rest today... "

" You say that everytime I've asked you... What's up..? "

" ... I just wanna sleep today... Plus I have to clean my room.. it's a mess... "

" If you say so.. I'll call you later. "

" Bye.. "

" Bye. "


I feel so horrid, leaving my teammates hanging and unable to play turf because I can't even get out of bed. I wasn't wrong about the cleaning my room part, my room is terrible.

Maybe if I cried today, nobody would hear me.

Because nobody else is home.

A few minutes later I finally decided to get up completely, I didn't feel like eating right now either. Maybe it was just my body feeling upset at me again for what I've done.

I started to pick up my room, until I noticed something. I was cleaning my closet until I saw a medium sized plastic box with some of my books on top.
I took off the books and I dragged out the plastic box... It was heavy so I wonder what's in it.

I brought it to the center of my room where I sat in my knees and pryed open the box.

" Old octoling gear..? "
I mumbled, I don't ever remember this... But my mind is trying to unlock something I've kept away for a long time.. but.. the gear is small.. child sized almost..

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