Chapter 6, part 2: 'Resources'

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*Elijah pulled out a small map with a list in the corner. Stating a bunch of different names, of course nobody knew who these people were besides Elijah himself.*

Elijah: like I said before, were gonna need all the help we can get.

Crystal: w-why? We can handle them ourselves y'know? :3..

Freddy: I'm not so sure about that ;w;..

Mari: *she laughs* you really haven't heard of him, have you?

Freddy: uh, no not really actually..

Alyssa: Omg!! Is it story tell time?!?

Matthew: Oooo!!~ stories!!!

Mari: I suppose it's alright, while Elijah gets the teleporting running.

Sketchy is a very powerful Octarian, being Dj Octavio's right hand man during the great turf war. More specifically, the final great turf war.

He was shot down by a female sniper. That's why he despises snipers so much..and the left hand Woman, we don't speak of her.

Sketchy being shot down, he tried desperately to stay alive. For the army's sake, but unfortunately she died. Being sent up to the great respawn point in the sky.

But, neither did heaven or hell wanted him. Due to what he's done before, he's done much worse before hand. And for that being, his punishment was to live another life on earth. But he would have to wait first.

After waiting for what felt like centuries. His punishment was finally ready for him. By the two gods he was sent back down to heaven years ago. And he was reborn as whom we know now as Sketch.

All though Sketch is indeed his own person, sketchy is allowed to control him. Because Sketchy lives off his body, but this is the one time it's gotten out of hand..

Crystal: woahh..

Freddy: *writing in his notebook* uh- wow O-o

Mari: I know it's a lot to take in. But you'll need the information later..

Freddy: Yeah! I have it all written down! >:3

Crystal: you've been taking notes this whole time O-o??

Freddy: of course! It's like a final boss in a video game..;w;

Crystal: um-

Alyssa: hey guys!! Elijah got the teleporter to work!!

Matthew: it's super cool!!

Mari: I suppose it's time now.

Crystal: um, t-time for what exactly? ;w;..

Mari: as stated before, were gonna need all the help we can get. So come on now..

Freddy: I wonder how many people we'll need o,o..

*The three walk over to Elijah, examining the portal that had just been opened.*

Elijah: first up.. a kid named Shadby..more specifically known as the one winged squid.

Mari: and how is he related to sketch?

Elijah: apparently, Shadby is one of Sketch's friends..and I heard he's powerful too.

Alyssa: a one wing squid?? O,o

Matthew: NEAT!!

Elijah: let's not waste time and head in *he walked into the portal*

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