Chapter 8: New workers

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*it was a normal day in Inkopolis square. Well, to a normal Jelly is was pretty normal. Working at the cafe, it's was pretty much an everyday thing now.*

*Still, the events that happened earlier still haunted her. The only good parts about it were, that she finally escaped that trance. And the Inkling boy saved her.*

*It was still terrifying to believe she was in the hospital for more than a week. But she was happy she eventually healed. Since she wasn't deeply sanatized. Unlike her other teammates who are still in recover.*

*The most depressing part was, when she arrived home. The only people to ask about her absence was her sibling. Her parents didn't give two shits if she was home or not. But she stopped expecting things from them a long time ago.*

*But as said before, to her everything was normal. She couldn't really participate in Turf war's since her team was still in the hospital. But she didn't mind, she hated the aggression for Turf War..More like it was turning into ranked now.*


*It was nearly the end of the day, it was just about ready to close up for the night. Almost everyone who came here, came here everyday. She didn't mind to be honest, less interaction issues to deal with for her.*

*Especially that inkling boy who'd she'd taken a liking too. She didn't mind his company to be honest. Since they both pretty much talk about the same thing everyday. And you guessed it, Anime-*

*She enjoyed the boys company, something good to look forward everyday. At least to her it was something to look forward. She never liked anyone spesfically, and she never admitted it. But it was true she did have feelings for him. But she didn't want to admit it. Not for now at least.*


*As bubble closed up the shop for the night and walked home. She noticed that their were a lot more cars parked outside her house. A l o t-*

Bubble: (what the heck..we hardly even have visitors anymore..maybe I'm just over thinking?.. hopefully..)

*But oh boy she was HELLA wrong-*

*Her parents were walking to six other parents at the dining table. Three males, three females. Raito 3:3. Even. One whole.*

*Bubble also noticed that there were three other kids in the living room. A tall Octoling boy. A short purple haired Inkling girl. And a boy with a bowl cut, and he looked odd..*

*But, that wasn't bubbles problem, they were already talking to each other anyways. Maybe they knew each other? So, she went straight to her room. It was already nine o'clock so her siblings had to have be in bed. And they were.*


*A few minutes pass.*

*Bubble had been writing something in her 'diary'. Or at least that's what she called it. And lately, it's been full page almost every day since a month ago. The last time it was filled like that was when she was with Max. But those were exactly happy writings. But they still exist in the notebook.*

*eventually bubbles parents called her down to the living room. The loud yelling of her name terrified her. She always hated loud noises anyways. They bring back too many old memories..*

So much fun to little time..don't you agree?..

*Bubbles parents stood in the living room with the three other kids. One was extremely tall. A short girl with long purple hair..and a boy the same height as the girl with a bowl cut..*

Liliana: Bubble, these kids are going to work with you starting tomorrow!

Bubble: uh.. A-alright..
*She seemed fine, but inside her head. It felt like the world was spinning. She was so used to working by herself. She couldn't imagine working with three other people.*

[ New Title And Cover ! ] A Game Of ChanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora