Chapter: 13^2All bets are off..

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Never thought we'd make it this far..

It has almost been a full month now since Sketch's death. None of the members dared to talk to each other, mostly Luz. Blueberry was looking after Luz, she was still apparently tried to kill herself. And bubble was just sad, not even sad just depressed. Going back to the way how she was almost two years ago almost.

Still trying to run the cafe was the worse part about it. She wouldn't even act how she would normally act. She just constantly looked tired or somewhat drained, something about sketchs death was just too much. Was it the fact that Luz stabbed him, or was it the fact they couldn't do anything about it.

But even still she had to do everything normally.

Bubble was working at the cafe like usual. But she wouldn't even move unless she had too, but thankfully nobody really came in at least today. So she just read her manga like usual, nothing on her mind Surprisingly. Someone came in and went to cash register.

She hasn't even called the other employees to work. She didn't feel like she needed them right now.

Kelp: Um I couldn't tell if this place was open so I just walked in, sorry... ;w;

Bubble: she sighed, it's fine..this place is pretty empty anyways..what can I get you?..

The green haired inkling looked at the menus that hanged above the counter.

Kelp: I'll um have an ice coffee and A cake pop :3..

Bubble: that'll be right out for you..

She went to the back to get the things the inkling boy needed.

Unknown to bubble her phone had been buzzing with unread messages and missed calls. But she didn't care she didn't feel like answering anything or anyone.
After a few minutes she came back with the ice coffee and cake pop.

Bubble: here you go.. that'll be 8G..

The green inkling boy grabbed a few coins from his pocket and handed them to bubble. Grabbing the two items after.

Bubble put the coins into the register and watched the green inkling boy walk out to a purple octoling with goggles and white eyes.

It reminded bubble of someone, she hadn't seen him days. But it was fine she didn't feel like seeing him at least right now.

She sat back down reading her manga, the noise of her fun buzzing over and over getting annoying. She eventually checked her phone, after not being on it what it felt like for days.

Apparently blueberry has been texting her to meet at the square, and surprisingly Luz had done the same. Since it was close to her shift ending she just decided to close it early.

They wanted to meet at the center on the square, which wasn't far from where bubble worked to be quiet honest. So she quickly changed into her normal gear then left.

You have to promise me one thing sketch, DO NOT LET HIM TAKE OVER AGAIN. if this happens one more time I'll have to kill you myself.

You have my word, just please let me have another chance!

...fine, but only because I hate him and your guts. And neither do they want you up there just like me.

You have my word I swear,

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