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Keeda curled around both removed t's of the sign to the building and waited, something is going to happen.

a metal tire sphere flew in through the window, keeda had to switch their forms to avoid it.

'what the H!"

I heard wolf and the bug speaking outside and decided to follow them, quickly switching back to the other form.

'switching forms feels a bit too easy."

I caught up to the group and yowled to make my presence known, Wolf grunted in acknowledgment,


I smelled Benson a little bit away and followed my nose, wolf can wait... Benson needs something... I smell Kipo too.

I found them through a tunnel and switched my form,

"Hey... Kipo?"

She turned so fast and held onto me


"guys there's more..." Benson taunted, leading us to a street, where he sprayed some canned cheese onto the road.

"he should be here any second" Kipo clearly looked unnerved, I gave her a little bracelet I founding my pocket... as a comfort. A van drove beside us and grabbed the cheese, letting the three of us inside, why does this feel like a third wheel situation?

Benson and Keeda sat together, a smug look on his face, I laughed, sitting on the floor in front of them.

"so my friend won't tell me because it's supposed to be a surprise, but where are you taking us - AHH" she hit her head on the window and my whole body lurched forward, a pain I'm never gonna forget.

"A WALL< WALLLLALALAL" I screeched laying back down on the floor while the driver honked a horn the car spun in a circle before stopping. no impact came.

"bonjour, yall, and je m'appelle Amy, that's french for my name is Amy!"

"Hola and Bienvenidos abordo, I'm brad!" the two rats left the car and... the engine... to open the door and let me crawl out while taking off their hats in a tipping matter,

"Welcome to ratland," Amy introduced as fireworks and music began to play.

"SEE, I told you it would be good," Benson said laughing and looking towards Kipo.

"not this good."

Keeda, Kipo, and the age of the wonderbeastsWhere stories live. Discover now