Timbercat Woods

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 [memories will be in ittalics]

Keeda sighs as reads her book, listening to herself humming, she put down her book and picked up her guitar she strummed on it lightly, almost forgetting how to play. she breathed deeply and began to play the song that she wrote, Keeda didn't tell anyone of it, because she didn't really know why the words connected to her. The lyrics and the melody instantly calmed her down, but it had a price, Kipo walked in on her playing the song in the kitchen at about 2 am. Kipo didn't make a sound as she hid behind the wall to listen to Keeda play. 
(Song is at the top)

The sharp noise of ax hitting rock brought Keeda to the edge of her mind and she growled at the cats blocking the group from view, 

"uhh, guys," asked Kipo "more mutes are these ones friendly or unfriendly?" I looked back at her and gave her a look of pure disappointment. " there's an entire army of them packing axes, what do you think?" retorted Wolf 

"unfriendly got it," she said looking towards the cat army. Suddenly the cat with an orange and brown plaid shirt screamed "CHARGE" causing Keeda to growl back at them. They suddenly ran down the slope hissing and meowing.

"oh, man! oh, man! those are timbercats!" cried the bug-man-guy. While Kipo looked shocked at the speed the cats were running.

"CATS EAT BUGS," he said in a panic. "Dave, you're flying!" excitedly shouted Kipo, while I growled at them 'GUYS WE HAVE TO MOVE,  NOW!' I screamed but it only came out as growls and huffs, "FLY US OUT OF HERE!" Kipo suggested to, uh, Dave. Kipo stretched her arms for emphasis, Keeda nodded while looking at the group. Dave picked everyone up while Kipo held Keeda, which is kinda easy since Kipo picked her up all the time. 

while we were in the air Dave molted and we all fell, Mandu decided to fall onto Keeda's back, causing a slight pain in her ribs.

"yeah, sorry guys dave's got a little bit of, uh, Performance anxiety issues." Benson said holding a baby dave while Wolf watches, Keeda thinks she has a 'resting-angry-face'.

"lesson seven of the surface:  Know when to run!" Said wolf as we all ran and dived behind some rocks, the cats continued to work their way down the slope.

The cats successfully went straight past them, The Twins looked over the rock and listened in on their conversation. "the footprints led right here, The monster gotta be here somewhere keep looking!"

A tiny tabby said "Tree stealer where are you hiding," like a child. while all the cats dug through the rubble, and one white cat climbed onto the rocks that Keeda was stuck in, The white cat twirled her axes, before starting to speak, "We're wasting our time, whatever it is, it's long gone by now."

another cat hissed and blurted out "You can't know that for sure Molly Yarnchopper!" 

Molly retorted calmly, "I know what I see, you think your tiny axes can stop the thing that did all this?" the same small tabby gasped

"that's from the scratching tree, raise your axes for the scratching tree!" he said sadly lifting his ax to the heavens. all the other cat's followed, some meowed for its sake.

"The mega mute must have used our tree to make this crater. We're no match for a beast who could do that. Not with our leader gone." said Molly, as Kipo looked at them with her caring pink eyes. "Not without Yumyun Hammerpaw."  Molly scratched the wood as a sign that her speech has ended, Kipo turned and I followed to see what she would say. 

Keeda, Kipo, and the age of the wonderbeastsWhere stories live. Discover now