Snakes, Rhythm, and Music (pt. 1)

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Benson broke a spike off of what Keeda thinks is a cactus, he stuck it in the place where dave's leg was making the girl cringe. Dave groaned in pain as the spike stuck to his skin, Keeda noticed her outfit and decided to change in the nearby store.

As she entered she saw that the store was covered in layers of dust and grime, she felt the clothes before pulling out a few outfits and trying them on, she eventually settled on a red flannel, a half, black chest binder, and some black jeans, she kept her combat boots. the binder flattened her chest a bit and it made her feel... more comfortable?

She met up with the group outside the store and to see the look on Wolf's face was the best. "let's go" Keeda spoke confidently, she hadn't done that since she was small.

As the group walked they stumbled upon a gerbil looking creature, it sang in a high pitched rock and roll tone, "Snakes" he held that out for a long time while the group began to stare. Mandu shivered and covered her shriek torn ears. The small creature hid behind a bush, Kipo began to clap. "No, Kipo he said 'Snakes" Keeda started grabbing her sister's arm, she knew that this had happened before.

Keeda has been up here before.

"we're being followed." Wolf said motioning with her staff, "yeah, i'm gonna run, you should probably run too." the gerbil said backing away into a bush "did you see our skulls" he whispered.

"We need to go in there," Wolf motioned to a building with her staff, "I'll take 'em out you guys hide." She instructed, Keeda followed her point to the restaraunt and went inside not bothering to wait for them, all she had to do was walks and not worry about them, they will catch up.

The blue leopard looked through the place and noticed a small book on a table, it had pictures of a family with light brown skin and dark eyes, they all were smiling and looked genuinely happy. the rest of the group tumbled in and hed behind the bar, Keeda did'nt follow and hid under a table.

"No, still not there" Cotton said after playing sone chords on a guitar, her freind spoke, " Well i always like a good ,y'know, F major followed by a D minor."

"D minor?? maybe if your playing that hillbilly cat music" Wolf suddenly fell from the ceiling screaming and attacking the snakes, with Stalky, " Oh Honey, you know how much venom i got coursing through my veins?"

Wolf began attacking the snakes with diffferent objects as Keeda slithered around the table and took a guitar from a hidden floor board, it was hers. The light colored wood and a blue clover surrounding the hollow middle.

"Hey, hey Cotton... Cotton's.. freind" Kipo stumbled as a distraction while Keeda moved to find her guitar pick. "I really like the song you walked in with, uh, but what if it went more like this?" she said taking the guitar and placing the strap around her body. The older sibling began to play the base for a song and Keeda joined in playing along with her, Wolf was thrown over her head and hit a wall with a grunt.

The two snakes twisted around the two girls who were now standing back to back, hissing. All of a sudden dave started screaming and Benson played the drums, Keeda continued on with her simple melody.

The snake's bobbed their heads in a bit of a dance as Keeda moved away and closer to dave, She screamed along with him to add a more, Harmonized scream.

Keeda stopped playing as Kipo slowed to a stop, the two behind them soon lowered into a chilling silence.

"Thats it!, That's the riff i was looking for!" Cotton exclaimed in an excited tone, her voice still as rapsy as a lemon.


A: im sorry but this is what your gonna have until after school today- ish maybe because ive got a lot to do :-:

Keeda, Kipo, and the age of the wonderbeastsWhere stories live. Discover now