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I watched from across the café. Over a year of searching for him, three years of searching total, and it was finally right in front of  me. In Alabama of all places. I just need to get it from him. It's practically in my grasp. All the pain, killing, suffering, it will all be gone.

There are too many humans around to act on him, though. A smirk grew on my face as I stood up. I walked over to him and slap his face, "how dare you! For that whore? Wow! Very loyal of you!"" The café goes silent. His head turns as he whispers, "sister?" "How could you just cheat on me and expect me not to find out! I cannot believe you right now! " I scoff and walk out.

I hear his footsteps behind me as I walk into an empty alley. "Nespaniel, what are you doing on earth?" Before he can ask any more, I knee him in the groin and punch him in the jaw. "I have been tracking you down for months." I kick his stomach as he is down on his knees. "Months on this hell hole that you have became so in love with. Every time I would find where you were, you would somehow disappear," I scoff.

I smile sadistically, "so, where is it?" He furrows his eyebrows, "where is what?" I pull my angel blade out and hold it against his neck, slightly cutting it, "don't play stupid. Where is it?" I hear a gun cock from behind me. I turn around and snort, "what are you going to do with that? Kill me?" I go to swing my blade at the human but as my hand was swinging, a cuff was wrapped around it. When I touch the cuff with the other hand, that hand too got cuffed.

"Really? You think silly hand cuffs will work on me?" I try to break the cuffs, but I can't. "Supernatural handcuffs, bitch," the shorter human speaks, who I instantly recognize as the infamous Dean Winchester. I glance at him and the other one, who I assume is Sam Winchester, before looking at Castiel, "you need humans to defend you now? How pathetic."

"What- what is with the accent," Dean asks. "Angels take the voices of their vessels, at least when speaking to humans," I answer.  "Castiel doesn't sound like his vessel," Dean points out. I snort, "yeah, because he has a big, gay crush on you." Before anyone can speak, Castiel punches me in my face, making me fall on the ground and hit my head, knocking me out.


I wake up tied to a chair in a dark room. I try to break out but realize I still have the handcuffs on. I look to the corner and see dean. In his hands he wields an angel blade. He clicks his tongue, "so, talk."

I make a face as if I'm thinking, "how much wood would a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood?" "Why are you after Castiel? We know your name already, what are you looking for?" He interrogates. "A wood chuck would chuck as much wood as a wood chuck could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood," I respond nodding my head.

"You think this is funny? I can kill you at any given moment," Dean threatens. I snort, "okay, then do it." Dean slices the blade across my wrist. "Ouch! You know, that hurts... fine, you want me to talk? It won't be to you," I remark. He flares his nostrils and walks out of the room. As soon as the door closes, I wait about 5 seconds then rock the chair backwards till it falls. Didn't feel too good as it is metal. I hear the door open and footsteps walk in. I lift my head and turn it to see a face, or rather faces. "Hello, Castiel," I smirk.

Dean lifts my chair and sits me back up. "Talk," Dean demands. "No, I don't want to talk to you, I want to talk to Castiel. Alone." "No way, we are not-" Sam begins. Castiel intervenes before Sam can finish, "it's fine, I can handle her. Leave us." I can tell Dean and Sam both want to argue, but they decide not to and walk out.

"What are you doing here?" Castiel asks playing dumb. "Stop that. You have it. You stole it from me when dad sent me down here 3 years ago. You took it from me and when I turned around you were gone. So, give me what is mine!" I shout at him, but it doesn't faze him, he looks dumbfounded. "What are you talking about?" "Stop lying! I know you have it Castiel. Give me my grace," I cry out, angrily. "You lost your grace? I promise, I don't have it. I am sorry," Castiel sympathizes.

"You don't have it? But I don't get it. He told me you would have it, Castiel. The demon, Crowley, told me you had it and that you stole it from me. I killed so many of our brothers and sisters to get to you," I confess. Castiel sighs, "that explains how you still have powers."  He calls Dean and Sam back in. As the two untied me and unlock my handcuffs, they begin to talk. "I still don't get why we are letting her go, she tried to kill you," Sam argues. "She doesn't have her grace. She's been stealing grace from other angels. Crowley told her I had it," Castiel explains.

"Just great," Dean argues, "first all these angels are already trying to kill you, and now Crowley is helping them? Could this get any worse?" Suddenly, the room goes quiet as a phone rings. "Is that... Pony?" Sam asks. My lips form a thin line. Dean goes and picks up the phone on a table that the torture devices lay on. "Crowley? Are you seriously sleeping with him," Dean asks. I make a face of disgust, "why would I ever sleep with a demon, especially one that doesn't even look that good? No, it's just my ringtone for everything, give me that."

I snatch the phone from him and answer the phone, "hello, Crowley."

"Have you found him yet?" Crowley questions.

"Yeah, they trapped me in some sort of torture room. It was easy to break out of the chair, these handcuffs though.. not so much."

"How did they manage to trap you? I gave you all the angels you needed for the grace to last."

"Really? It has been four months, and you supplied me with enough grace to last me 10 weeks!"

"You have no idea how hard I worked to get you all those angels, the strings I had to pull."

"Whatever, I have to get out of here before they realize I broke out. Goodbye, Crowley."

I press the red button and look at the guys, "what?" "How many angels did you kill?" Castiel looks at me as if I'm a stranger. I look between all of them, "I don't have to tell you." I look around, anywhere, so I don't make eye contact. I begin to walk out, "Nespaniel." Castiel tries to grab my arm. "103. I took 103 angels' grace and when I ran out of it, more died. I did what I had to do, you would do the same thing if you were in my position, Castiel. Hell, you did take their lives when you decided to become God, and hundreds of them too. The only good thing about not having grace is that I can cope in ways I couldn't as an angel. Goodbye, Castiel."

I rip my arm out of his grip, grab my angel blade and walk away. Once I leave the underground hideout, or whatever it is, I call Crowley back. He answers after 2 rings, "hello, darling." "I'm out. Meet me in 7 hours at the penny bar in Springfield, Illinois. I've got some... exciting news."


I stir the cocktail pick in my martini as I wait. It has been 30 minutes, how hard is it for him to teleport. Huffing, I begin to call him, but as I press call, a knife holds against my neck. "Jesus, Crowley. Seriously?" He sliced my neck slightly, to which I only bleed, "you don't have grace." "No, of course not, because Castiel doesn't have it. So," I pull out my angel blade, "I'm guessing that you wanted me to kill all those angels for your benefit. You wanted me to kill Castiel."

Crowley puts his hands up, "come on now, darling. Put the blade away." "Your right," I put the blade up and pull out a vial from my pocket, "this should work much better." I pull the top off the vial and the grace that was inside flows into me. I smile devilishly as I look at Crowley. I walk towards him and lay my hands on his chest, "boo!" I push him into the wall.

"I should have known better than to trust you." A kick in the groin. "A demon only cares about themselves and what benefits them!" A rear hook to the face. "I killed my own kin!" A jab of the knee to his face. "You." Another jab. "Bastard!" One more jab before I let go of him. A demon cuts my throat once more and steals the grace I had stolen.

I apply pressure to the wound, but the blood seeps out of the cracks between my fingers. I look at Crowley who has a smile on his face, "our business is done." He disappears and right after he does so the police barge in. My vision gets blurry, and my hearing fuzzy.

I have come close to death before, but not as a human. The pain is different. As an angel you just... hurt. But as a human, death can be slower and the pain longer. After the pain comes a darkness. A darkness darker than the empty.

Epiphany of Love; A Dean Winchester FanficWhere stories live. Discover now