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We arrive at the crime scene, which wasn't on the reservation. "They were just protecting their home?" Nora looks at me. "I don't get it," I respond. We examine the body and talk to CSI. "Name is Hera Richards. She died from blunt force trauma to the head like the other body did," she speaks. "But what about the slashes on her back?" I ask. "Judging by the blood, she was already dead. When you die your blood flows to the side closest to the ground, hers being her front. That explains why there is almost no blood from these slashes," she answers. "So the killer was just trying to send a message?" Nora asks. "Yup," she answers.

"Excuse us for a second," I smile and grab Noras arm, "I think we are looking at this the wrong way. I don't think its a Kachina. It said they were benevolent. Even the warriors, they don't cause war, they only protect and fight in war for the tribe." "What are you saying?" Nora asks. "Its not a Kachina. They only exist on their reservations," I answer.

We walk over to the detective, "do you know if the two victims have a connection?" The detective sighs, "I don't know. But, we can go to the station and see, I mean they have both had prior offenses." I nod, "that sounds great." I turn to Nora, who speaks, "you see if they have a connection and I'll see if the Zuni has had any members die recently." I nod before walking to the car with the detective.

We arrive at the station and he hands me both of their files. I sit down and go through the files. It seems they have nothing in common with each other other than being men. I look deeper, then I find it. Both of them, along with 6 others, rioted the Zuni during one of their celebrations. All of them but one were dead. I texted Nora the names of each of the men, then I stood up. "Thank you officer," I hand him the file then leave the station. I get a call from Dean as I walk to the motel.

Hey, how's the case? He asks.

Good, I think we've almost solved it. Just got to take down the SOB.

You really are solving it, huh?

I'm good

Beginners luck, besides you have Nora to help you

Yeah, guess you're right, but I'm still good.

I hear him chuckle, well, we've got a lead on our case now. Now we just have to chase it.

I begin to walk into the motel room, Hey, Dean, I'll talk to you later. Good luck.

Shouldn't I be telling you that? Bye

He hangs up and I look at Nora. "So, what's up with the names, they are all dead, except for one," she asks. "Exactly, look, two of them we already know how they died. Did you look at how the other 3 died?" "Yeah, one drowned in the Zuni river, another did from something impaling him, and the other was killed by getting a symbol cared into his chest and bleeding out. And they have all died in the past week," She answers. "Find any people die recently from the tribe?" "Yeah, one man died during a riot, the old chief," She nods. "I found out that all of them, including the one that is alive, rioted a ceremony 2 weeks ago at the reservation. I think we are dealing with one pissed off Zuni," I reveal.

"Good thing I've got salt and fire," Nora sighs. "Good thing I have a rifle with salt bullets," I add. We both drive to the police station and walk in. "Hey agents, need something?" A deputy asks. "Yeah, we are going to ask a close friend to the victim a question. Name is Lyle Parker," Nora answers. The deputy searches him up, "he lives at 1493 Vermont Avenue." "Thanks," I say putting it into my phone.

"The reservation, I saw a burial ground on it, I'm sure we will find the body there," I inform Nora. "Alright, I'll find the guy and protect him. Be quick, I don't think we have much time," she urges. i nod my head, "alright, distract the ghost, irritate him. Go." I rush to my car and drive to the reservation. I park and rush to open the trunk, I could hear the music, the voices from the ceremony. The burial ground was the opposite direction from it. I quickly load the rifle, grab salt and the lighter, along with gasoline, and a shovel and throw them into a bag. I run with the bag to the burial grounds.

I look around for the name of the old chief, Kewna Acoma. I find the grave and begin to dig. Nora calls, "Nespaniel, hurry up! I can't hold him off forever, he's more than fucking pissed." "I'm almost done." "Wait, he disappeared," Nora sounds confused. "Shit, he's in front of me." I drop the phone and quickly make a ring of salt around his grave to keep him out. There's a whip in his hand, he strikes it towards the barrier the salt made. I see his bones and begin out get out of the grave. I shoot him with the salt rifle and quickly pour salt over his bones, then pour gasoline on top, and light the lighter. I look behind me and see him draw back his whip, my gun no longer in my hand he whipped it out. Right when he goes to strike, he burns. Then its back to silence.

I pick up the phone, huffing up and down, "problem solved." "Well done, angel. For your first case you did pretty well. Why don't you head back to the motel, get some sleep then drive home tomorrow," Nora congratulates. "Alright," I hang up. I put everything back in the back, other than the shovel, which I use to bury the burned bones back up.

I walk back to my car with the bag, but see an Zuni. "What are you doing here, agent?" He asks. "We solved the case on the murder, so I'm going to leave tomorrow. I wanted to pay my respects to your ancestors. From what I have seen and learned, you guys have an amazing tribe and culture," I answer. He nods with a smile, "thank you."

I get into my car, throwing my bag into the backseat. As I'm driving to the motel my brain goes to my brother. I call Castiel in an attempt to find where he's been. But no answer. I sigh, probably my fault. He didn't seem to take the news well, but neither did I. I still hate myself for what I did, I always will. I pull up to the motel and go inside. I grab the Kachina doll. My mind wanders Why didn't I just let the ghost get his revenge? I mean he deserved it, they killed him. Just like Lailah deserved to kill me. The difference is... she can't be a ghost.

I stand up and grab my laptop, leaving the motel. I begin to drive back to Lebanon; however I soon change my mind. I call Sam but he doesn't answer, probably sleeping. So, I leave a message. Hey Sam, I wanted to call you, I don't want Dean to go all Dean. I don't know when I'm returning to the bunker, just know I'll be safe. I need some time to think, alone. Please, don't tell Dean, he'll come after me. Just tell him I'm on another case. Please. I press the red button and focus on the road. I pass through a town, Gallup.

I pass a bar, but quickly take a u-turn and go to it. I park and walk in. I sit at the bar, "give me two shots of tequila please." The bartender nods, its a girl, "hard day?" "Hard everything," I take the two shots. I then ask for a bottle of Dos Equis. She hands it to me, "men?" "Family, and men. You know, why do people always see the worst in events. Like I did what I had to, walk in my shoes they would do the same damn thing. And don't even get me started on those dudes. I met them like, what, a month and a half ago? Now I'm living with them and they think they can control me. Well, they can't," I rant.

"Names Breanna," She chuckles. "Nespaniel." "So, Nespaniel, you really moved in with a dude you've known for a month?" I snort, "yeah, I can't believe it either. Well, then they are always gone and actually expected me to stay in town. When they found out I left, they were pissed. Like, they let my brother leave and no questions asked, but when I leave its the end of the world? Its bullshit. The older one is hot, got to admit, but he is so, what's the word... petty." She laughs, "where are you from?" "Heaven," I answer. "Its a beautiful town, huh?" "Oh, you mean where I live. I live in Kansas... can I get another shot?" She smiles, "sure thing." She gives me the shot and I instantly down it. She shakes her head, "well, I have to get back to work. If you need anything, just ask."

I nod, "thanks." My phone starts to ring, I see Deans caller ID. "Ugh," I groan, but I answer, "what do you want, mr. control-freak?" "Nes, are you... drunk?" He asks. "So what if I am, are you gonna yell at me for that too?" He pauses, "where are you?" "I am in a town called none-of-your-business." "Are you mad at me?" "Yeah, you are a petty, control-freak, and a bitch, bitch," I cuss. "She is not a nice drunk," I hear Dean tell Sam. "Put me on speaker," I demand. "Alright," Dean responds, "you're on." "Sam, how dare you break my trust and tell Dean I'm not going to the bunker. I trusted you, you gossiper. You don't go telling everyone that Castiel's gone, it doesn't bring a worry. But the second I'm gone you guys freak out. Well, you know what I have to say? I'll say it slow so your brains can comprehend it. Fuck. You."

I hang up and finish the bottle of beer before walking out of the bar. I stumble out into someones arms, "ew, get off me." I pull myself off the person and look at them. Its Dean, my instant reaction is to slap him. "Ouch," he holds his face. I squint my eyes, "did you track me?" He sighs, "yeah. Look, I couldn't trust your judgement, so after we finishes up the case, I drove to you." "Stalker," I mutter, "where's Sam?" "At the motel across the street, why?" I pull on his shirt, and wrap my fist in it. He looks taken back. I kiss him...

Epiphany of Love; A Dean Winchester FanficWhere stories live. Discover now