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Freedom. The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Freedom is something everyone wants. Freedom is something most think they have. They may have some freedom, but not complete freedom. One thing I've learned being on earth is that you can never be truly free. Complete freedom does not exist in humanity. Complete freedom doesn't exist in Heaven, maybe as a human in Heaven, but I wouldn't know how that feels. No matter where I go- Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, Earth, The Empty- I will never be truly free. Complete freedom doesn't exist with humans, demons, angels, leviathans, or any other supernatural creature. It can never be something we experience.

I sit at the table thinking. I was once more at it again trying to decipher the tablet. The only problem being that I am missing almost a whole sentence in the first trial instructions. I have deciphered the first two sentences of the first trial, and part of the third sentence.

"I got us a case in Farmington Hills, Michigan," Sam says walking in with his computer. I choose to ignore him, as he obviously wasn't talking to me. "Good, let's go," Dean seems to rush. I continue to try to decipher the tablet. Dean looks at me, "Nespaniel, let's go." I furrow my eyebrows, "what, wait, you want me to come with you? Why?" "Because we don't trust you not to go run off to Crowley," Castiel answers.

I roll my eyes, "fine. At least let me pack some stuff first." I walk to the guest room and grab my things and put it in the bag. I walk back into the map room, and, while the boys aren't looking, I shove the notepad into the bag. We all walk out of the bunker and go into the Impala Dean owns. Dean starts to drive towards wherever the case is. "So, what's the deal?" Dean ask. Sam answers, "a dude got ripped limb from limb inside his locked apartment."

I raise my hand up where dean can see it through his rear-view mirror. He sighs, "what?" "I fail to see what this has to do with me." "Like I said, I just took you with us because I don't want you to tell Crowley our plans. Besides, you can try to find your grace," Dean explains. "What part of 'I used the last of angel grace I had to beat up Crowley's ass to the point I got arrested, and have a court date, and you had to bail me out' did you not understand?" I ask sarcastically.

"Why are all angel's dicks? Seriously, not one we met hasn't been a dick," Dean exclaims. He shakes his head in annoyance. "Would you rather me lie to you or be honest?" Dean scoffs, "honest? No, no, no, there's honesty and then there's you." "At least I don't act like I'm perfect and take out my emotions on others," I yell as I cross my arms. I look out of the window, biting my tongue. Dean stops the car and looks back at me, "seriously? You know with one click of a button I could tell Crowley that we have you. I'm sure he doesn't appreciate what you did to him." "You won't, pussy," I dare. Dean picks up his phone, "oh really?" Sam takes his phone, "stop, you guys are being immature. We all need each other to get through these trials, stop fighting."

I huff loudly. "That's a little dramatic," Dean comments. "Seriously Dean?" Sam looks at him in disappointment. The car goes quiet and stays that way till we arrive at the motel, at least I assume it was, but I was also asleep most of the way. I wake up and get out of the car. All of us walk inside and get two rooms. "Alright, me and Dean will share a room and Cas you'll share a room with Nespaniel," Sam hands me a key card and Castiel a key card to our room.

Castiel and I reach the room and walk in. "Why do you have to share with me? You don't even sleep." Castiel shakes his head, "you haven't changed since I saw you last. Still argumentative about everything." "I'm just strongly opinionated," I defend myself, "however, you've changed in the past 4 years. You're softer, you're still an angel, but humanity has had an impact on how you view things. You care about them. Caring about humans only makes you weak, Castiel. You can't afford to be weak."

"You're wrong." He denies. I scoff, "whatever." I pull out the notepad I brought with me, and the pen. I had written all the symbols from the first trial on it. I sit at the desk in the hotel room and begin again. "How far are you?" Castiel hovers. "Not far. I've translated most of the first trial." "Why haven't you told Dean and Sam?" "There is something in there that says how to see hell-hounds, but I haven't figured out what. I won't tell them until I've translated it all," I grow frustrated. "You've been working on it for 3 days now, that's all you have?" I bite my tongue, "stop talking. I can't focus. Besides, it is pretty impossible to get a lot done when you three never stop talking and bickering. Honestly, you would think you three are in a harem."

Epiphany of Love; A Dean Winchester FanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat