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I wake up in the hospital. I've never been to a hospital before, but I know what one looks like. I try to sit up using my elbows to hold me, but my hand is handcuffed to the gurney. I look up and see a police officer guarding the door. She looks back at me, "welcome back." She calls the doctor in.

The doctor walks in with a smile, "hello, Jane." I furrow my eyebrows, "what-" The doctor holds a finger up and whispers, "don't talk unless you absolutely need to, you are technically arrested by the police." I sigh. "We stitched you up when you came in, we will send you home with some pain killers, but other than that the police and paramedics arrived just in time. However, once we run a few more tests we will have to release you into police custody," the doctor explained.

She took my blood pressure and heart rate then looked at my neck before bandaging it back up. The police officer uncuffs my hand from the gurney then cuffs the hand to my other one. The officer carries me out of the hospital and into her patrol car.

She drives to the local police station and puts me in an interrogation room. A detective walks in and sits down. "What is your name?" I ignore him. "Look, you either have to tell us your name or we will run your prints. One way or another we will find out who you are," he speaks. "Scarlette Moore," I answer using a name I came up with on the spot. "Who was that guy you almost killed?" I scoff, "trust me, I didn't TRY to kill anyone." "Look, we have a witness who claims to have a video of you assaulting a man. Either you tell us the name and we will get a testimony from him, or we charge you with assault, and if we review the video closely enough and find sign of aggravated assault then we can use that too. Oh, yeah, that reminds me, you also had a weapon so attempted first-degree murder too." "Well, yeah, I hit him. He was a dick who fucking deserved it. He almost got me killed. But try to kill him? Humorous," I remark.

An officer walks in, "hey, you might want to hear this." I'm left alone in the room for about 5 minutes until the detective walks back in. He picks me up, "we no longer have evidence of the fight; however, we still have witnesses. You will have to pay bail or stay in jail until the court date." I nod as he takes me to a cell.

There seemed to be no one in any of the cells. I lay on the bench in the cell and close my eyes. Right as I begin to fall asleep, an officer unlocks my cell. He puts an ankle monitor on me and unlocks my cuffs. "Why am I going? Am I not charged anymore?" "You still are charged and have a court date, but your boyfriend paid your bail," he rolls his eyes. "Boyfriend?" My face distorts into confusion. I go through my list of human flings, but nothing rings a bell. We walk through doors, and I see Dean's smug look.

"No, nope. See this is not my boy-" I get cut off by him kissing my lips. I pull away and see him smile. "Don't mind her, we got in a fight and I'm sure she is still mad at me. You know how women are," He wraps his arm around me. "Yes, well, here are her release papers along with her court date and belongings. If she does not show to court on her date, we will arrest her. For now, she does have to wear the ankle monitor. And don't forget to charge it either," the officer speaks. He says okay and we walk out.

As soon as we are out of the station, I pull away from him, "Dean, thanks for bailing me out, but I am not going anywhere with you." "Look, every angel wants to kill Castiel, I'm sure every angel wants to kill you too. So, I can either let you go and let angels and demons kill you, or you can help with the trials to seal the gates of hell and live in the bunker that is hidden from all radars, including angels," Dean offers.

"No, I'd rather die than be human and let someone get away with stealing my grace. I'm going to find it. And I definitely won't find it if I'm hiding," I protest. "Fine, we will help you find your grace if you help us with the trials," Dean sighs. I get suspicious, "why do you want me to help so much?" I hear Castiel's voice behind me, "because you're an expert on demons." I shake my head, "so? Doesn't mean I know how to close the gates. I'm not God." "But you can read the language," Castiel mentions. I sigh in defeat, "fine, but Castiel has to heal me too and if someone catches me I am going to mention you two."

Epiphany of Love; A Dean Winchester FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora