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I stayed in my room for the rest of the night, not being able to sleep anymore due to the grace. I felt the grace diminishing throughout the night, though. It wasn't my grace I took, I don't know whose it is, but it isn't mine. I researched for cases all night and found the most interesting one about 30 minutes before the boys woke up.

Once I hear the boys wake up, I pick up my hunting bag, walk out of my room, and meet them in the map room. I sit on the opposite side of the table as Dean but a seat away from Sam. "I, uh, finished the second trial and started on the third. You have to save a human soul from damnation, so hell." I speak breaking the awkward silence, however I look down at the table to avoid meeting their eyes and having to face them.

"So, how are we supposed to do that?" Sam asks. "Wait, so we are supposed to just ignore what happened last night and pretend it didn't happen? Are you serious," Dean asks uptight. I stay quiet and don't react. "Dean," Sam begins. "No, we can't ignore it. She tried to kill you and went to Crowley again," Dean refutes.

I scoff, "you are one to talk." "Excuse me?" Dean responds offended. "I said, you are one to talk. What, are you deaf now?" I squint at him. "Oh, come on. You can't be serious," he rolls his eyes. "Hmm, but I am. You tell us to not ignore what happened yet you are doing the same thing," I sneer. "Um, what happened between you two?" Sam asks. "Nothing," me and Dean yell at Sam at the same time.

"Look, we had a deal. I translate the tablet and you give me shelter. There was nothing in the job description that says I can't do what I want, when I want, with who I want. I made a mistake, alright," I admit, "we all make mistakes sometimes. It's called being human." "But you aren't-" Sam begins. "I basically am, because I am back at square-fucking-one. Anyways, like I said, the second trial is saving an innocent soul from hell and delivering it to heaven. Not sure how to do that because the tablet doesn't say, but not my job to figure that out," I say as I stand up, picking up my bag I set down, "Look, I'll finish translating the tablet but today I'm going on a hunt, so good luck." "Wait, you can't go alone," Dean protests. "Really? Cause last time I seemed to do just fine and was right when Nora was wrong. So, I think I'll do just fine, thank you very much," I point out, "bye."

I walk to the garage and look for my car, the one I was in one my last hunt. I feel someone walking behind me so I stop and turn around, "what?" I see Dean and instantly look away, "what do you want? Don't you have a trial to go help Sam with? Besides, I said I am fine and I'm going by myself." "Why are you doing this?" He asks. "Leaving? Because someone died in a 'freak accident' that seems like it is a little more than that," I shake my head. "You know what I mean," Dean persisted.

"Look, I need time to think, you need time to think. I need to get away from you, you need to get away from me. Just drop it for now. What I said last night, I didn't mean it, I wasn't in my right mind," I tell him as I throw my bag into the back seat of the car, "now, I need to get to Edmond, Oklahoma and you and Sam need to find out how to do the second trial." I open the driver door. "Just... at least take this so you can contact us if you need help," Dean holds out a phone. I hesitate before I grab it, "fine." I get in the front seat, "bye, Dean."

I shut the door and start the car. I see him back up from the car and I pull out of the garage. I look through the rearview mirror, after driving for a bit, to make sure Dean isn't following me. I drive the straight 5 hours, which was actually only 4 because I sped most of the way, and pull up to the place the accident happened. Police caution tape was still around the area and there were still people investigating the scene, the boy however was already picked up by the coroner. I pull out my FBI badge and show it to the deputy protecting the scene from the citizens from entering.

He lifts the tape and lets me through. I walk up to the detective talking to a witness, he turns to me, "excuse me for a second." She nods as he stands up and walks over to me, "who are you?" "Special Agent Mills," I show him my badge. "What does the FBI want in a case like this?" He crosses his arms after shaking my hand. I put my badge away, "we suspect foul play, just want to make sure everything is as it said. This case is very similar to another unsolved case." He squints, "who sent you here?" I hand him a card I made a while back of Deans number and it saying he's my director, "here is my assistant directors card." He takes it and I quickly shoot Dean a text saying he's going to get a call about a agent mills and he is Assistant Director Norman.

Epiphany of Love; A Dean Winchester FanficWhere stories live. Discover now