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I walk to the boys room the next morning, no one answers.  I knock three more times and yell their name, but still no answer. I sigh as I pull a paperclip out of my pocket and pick the lock, "I swear if they are dead..." I open the door and see it's empty.

I pull out my phone and call Dean, who sends me to voicemail after two rings. I scoff and hear the beep and begin. What the hell? You guys just get up and leave and think its okay to leave me at this fucking hotel? Where are you at? Whatever, dude just call me back. And don't you leave me in St. Louis because I will find you again, track you down, and give you a slow long death. Maybe, not the last bit. Just don't leave me here.

I hang up and shake my head. I pick up one of the beer bottles out of the trash and throw it against the wall. Huffing, I sit on the bed and cross my arms. After waiting another hour or so, the two walk in. They look at me before exchanging a look on their face. "Hey, I'll be right back," Dean sighs before walking right back out. "Okay, what the hell was that about?" I ask Sam. "He has to go get some ingredients to make a witch-killing spell," he answers. "Why did you just get up and leave like that this morning? I mean you didn't even notify me that you guys were moving."

He sighs, "We want to do this alone, we brought you so you didn't feel left out and go on your own case again." I look at him, my mouth agape. "Look, this case is personal to us, James is a friend. Just let us do our job," Sam explains. "Yeah, whatever." I get up and leave the room, slamming the door.

As soon as I get back to my room, I sit down and space out, a hundred thoughts running through my head. Why do I feel hurt? I knew that's what was going to happen. Of course they are back to being dicks. That's just how humans are. This is exactly why months ago I kept my distance from humans. I reach into my bag and pull out my grace. I stare at it for a few moments, debating, wondering if it is worth the anger if its mine or the disappointment if its not.

When I open it, the grace flows into my mouth. Suddenly, I feel the power flow through me, my wings opening. I look back at them.

I pull out Lailah's angel blade, I knew what I had to do. I need to leave the boys, track down who really stole my grace. I fly to Heaven and begin to walk around the familiar white walls until I found him. It was the angel who, even before Earth and everything I did, always hated me, the feeling was mutual. Herian. Once I saw him, I gripped the angel blade tightly and pushed him against the wall. "How are you-" I cut him off, "here, in Heaven? Well, you didn't think you could get away with stealing my grace did you? Because I found it, and I want to know how it ended up in Lailah's possession. So, talk."

I see his hand moving to his angel blade, but I pin that hand and his other to the wall. "What are you going to do? Steal my grace? Kill me?" He asks sarcastically. "Kill you real, real slow." He laughs, only for me to press the blade harder against his neck. "Fine! I didn't steal it, alright? But, I know who told me you didn't have it anymore, before it went on angel radio, before anyone else knew." I press the blade harder, making him bleed, "who?" "Arazel," He answers. "Great," I pull the blade away from him, he sighs of relief. It didn't last long as seconds later I stabbed him in the heart, killing him.

I wipe my blade off on my jacket and then leave Heaven. Once I return back to Earth, I begin the search for Arazel. I begin to look at signs on my computer of angelic presence, like miracle healing, people getting hurt and healing themselves, anyone claiming to see an angel or hear an angel. I finally find something, yesterday, a person gets shot in a hostage situation, but doesn't get hurt and kills the shooter with the touch of a hand.

As I close my laptop, I get a call from Dean. I scoff and answer it, "what?" "You can't back down on our deal, you agreed, we provide you shelter and you translate the tablet," he speaks, "where are you?" "Look, I finished translating the second trial of the tablet, I'll work on the third tonight, but I have to do something first, then I'll be at the bunker." "Where are you?" He speaks sterner. "None of your business." "I will track your phone like last time we had to find you." "Mhm, yeah, good luck with that," I chuckle before hanging up.

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