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Not sure how long I slept, but it was long enough for the boys to get up, pack, leave town, and only leave me a note. And for it to be 5pm when I went to sleep at 3 am.

When I finally get up, I call the boys, Sam specifically. He answers. "Where are you guys," I jump the gun. "We got a lead on a possible demon deal 10 years ago. We think it's our shot to do the first trial." Sam answers. "When will you guys be back?" "Not for a couple days. It's in Idaho which is a 14 hour drive." "Okay, well, be careful." "Got it." "Bye," I hang up then call the person, "Hey, can you meet in half an hour?" "Sure, you know, you owe me a lot. I don't know why you needed this so fast." "Just meet me at city park."

I hang up then grab my things before leaving in my car. I drive to Makato and arrive at the park, and sit on a bench and wait. The person comes up and sits next to me, " Hello, Nespaniel. Forgive me?" "No, but I needed your help. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Where's the ingredients, Crowley?" He hands be a black box, "it has everything you need, along with the incantations and how to mix them."

I open it to make sure, seeing everything inside, "if this doesn't work, I will kill you." "How are you going to do that, darling? You still have no grace." "Don't underestimate me," I look back ahead, seeing kids play on the playground. "Who's it for?" "What?" I look at him, my eyebrows furrowed. "Who is the potion for?" "No one you know, goodbye Crowley," I stand up and walk back to the car.

I get in the car and drive back to the bunker. Immediately after I get there, I go to my room and open my laptop. I track Sam's phone through his gps, making sure I will have time to do the spell. I see Sam is at a farm in Idaho.

I open the box and clear the desk of everything. I see I need a bowl and a spoon to mix the ingredients, so I go to the kitchen and grab them before returning to my room. I begin to mix the ingredients, following the directions.

After adding almost all the ingredients I say an incantation. "Haec incantatio amorem et amentiam animum a potoribus disparari faciet. In admirationis et intensa affectione tantum operabitur in eo qui eos ad se bibens habet." I add the final ingredient, a piece of DNA from which the drinker should lose affection towards, I added my hair. Sparks shoot up after.

It said to let the potion brew for at least 3 hours so the potion works best.


Once the potion was done, I put it in small container. There wasn't much in there that the person needed. I get a call from Sam and Dean. I answer.

Hey, so we finished the trial. Sam killed the hellhound. It was Dean.

Thats good, when are you guys coming back?

We are leaving right now, probably come in tomorrow morning. You translated the second trial?

I sigh, not yet, but I decided to take a break for a little bit. I learned how to bake after I first had my grace taken away, and thought I could cook you boys something. You know, as a good job type thing. So what is your favorite food and what is Sam's?

Well, mine is Pie, apple pie, Sam's is salad.

Is chicken Caesar salad good?

I hear Sam respond, sounds great.

Good, they'll be ready for when you guys come back.

Thank you. Bye.

Dean hangs up and I get up.

I run to the store, grabbing everything I need. I didn't lie about me being able to cook, I'm a great cook. Only thing I lied about was what it was for. Once I get everything I need, I return back to the bunker and immediately head to the kitchen.

The first thing I made was the pie, I added half the potion into the apple filling. Once I finished making the pie, I threw it into the oven then began on the salad. I added the rest of the potion to the Caesar salad sauce. By the time I finish everything, it was 1 am.

I put the pie in the fridge, along with the salad. I go back to my room and sit at my desk, the tablet and the notepad on the floor, before I pick them up and set them on the desk.

I begin to work on translating it again, the second trial I finished much easier, and faster, than the first. By the times the boys arrive, I had translated half of it. I leave my room and greet then in the map room. I see Sam, who looks like the trial took a huge toll on.

Sam sits down at the table, I sit across from him. "How'd it go?" I ask. "Good, easy." He lies. "Mhm, alright. Well, good," I sigh, I know not to nag, it wouldn't do anything. Dean gets a call and walks into a different room before walking back in, "that was a friend, he's a cop and wants help on a possible case."

I stand up, "alright, I'll go." Dean hesitates before looking at Sam, "okay." "Me too," Sam says. "Are you sure, Sam? I mean you just ganked a hell-hound, which is no slice of pie. Just want to make sure you're okay," Dean responds. "I'm fine, Dean," Sam lies again.

"Let me pack a bag real quick," I walk to my room and throw some things into a bag before zipping it up and leaving back to the map room. "Oh, I'll grab the pie and salad I made for you guys for the trip," I smile. "I'll help, with the pie," Dean smiles overly-happy. "Okay," I walk to the kitchen.

I get the salad and Dean grabs the pie. "When are we going to talk about what happened?" Dean asks. I scoff, "I already told you, we aren't. Of all the people in the world, I think you would be one to understand what a one night stand is. We are just friends dude, if that."

I walk out of the kitchen back to Sam, Dean following me. I hand Sam his salad and we leave the bunker. I sit in the back as Dean drives. The ride is about 7 hours long, but we arrive soon enough. We check into a hotel, two rooms, one for me and one for the boys. However, we all go to the boys room first. "So, I'm going to go get some beer. Anyone want something from the store while I'm out?" Dean asks. "No, I'm good," Sam answers. "Um, can you get me some food? Like a sandwich or something," I ask. "Sure thing," Dean answers, grabbing his jacket and walking out.

I turn to Sam, who's eating the salad, "how is it?" "So good," He answers. I smile before hearing a knock at the door. "I'll get it," I tell Sam, furrowing my eyebrows. I get up and open the door, only to find a doberman. She invites herself in, jumping on Dean's bed. Sam walks up to her, she rolls over. He rubs her belly, "huh, no tags." I don't particularly like dogs that much, they smell and are dirty, not to mention the fact that they rely on you for everything. They are burdens.

"I wonder what she's doing here," Sam hums. We hear Dean's music from outside. "You stay in here, I got to explain this to him," Sam sighs, going outside. I listen to the conversation outside before looking back at the dog, who isn't a dog anymore, "uh, Sam..." He opens the door and looks back as Dean walks in. Dean smiles, "she can stay the night."

Me and Sam look at each other in confusion before looking back at the dog. "Two seconds ago she was a dog," Sam tells Dean. He pulls out a knife and walks towards the woman. "All right, who the hell are you," Sam asks her. "I'm not a shapeshifter, so you can stash the blade," she answers. I walk up to Dean, who hands me the sandwich I asked for, "I'm going to go, call me if you guys need anything."

I walk out of the room and into my own room. I get a text from Dean, minutes later, "we are going to James' house tomorrow morning." I text back with a simple, "Okay." I eat the sandwich, but get another text from Dean while I eat, "the pie is great, thanks." I sigh and turn my phone off, not responding to the text.

There is a pit feeling in my stomach, despite the food I ate. One that told me that I regret, deep down, making the potion. I don't know why I feel it, but it won't stop. The pit only gets deeper and deeper, like the potion may change their feelings, but won't help mine. I think of Dean, we are finally on good terms, and I enjoy it, I enjoy being in his presence. And that is when it hit me, the epiphany that it wasn't just affection I felt towards Dean anymore. It was love. I couldn't deny it any longer, no matter how hard I tried.

Epiphany of Love; A Dean Winchester FanficWhere stories live. Discover now