Chapter Five

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Aang watched the three boys who sat across from him as they talked about Quidditch. His parents had warned him about the people he would meet, told him to be careful of who he trusted. They seemed pretty nice and Sokka was really impressed by his metamorphmagus abilities, but he didn't know them too well. What if they were nice here on the train and they became mean when they got off?

Aang moved his gaze to the window. He watched the scenery fly by as Sokka, Bolin, and Zuko's conversation changed. He wasn't sure how they got on the topic, but they started talking about blood purity.

"My mum's a pure-blood, but my dad's muggle-born," Sokka said. "We don't know any family on my mum's side. Dad says it's because she was disowned for marrying him. Says she comes from a family of dark wizards."

"Both of my parents were Half-Bloods," Bolin said. "My brother and I live with our grandmum, she's a Pure-Blood. My family is a mixture of Half-Bloods, Pure-Bloods, and Muggles."

"My family's all pretty dark," Zuko said. "Everyone was in Slytherin, even my uncle. But he's been disowned because he married a muggle. My dad doesn't know he's deputy headmaster, I never told him. He would've lost it and forbidden me to go. Wouldn't want me to be influenced by a 'blood traitor'." He paused for a second. "I'm a little afraid of not being in Slytherin. Father would probably disown me. though it would be nice..." Zuko stared off in wishful thinking before looking at Sokka and Bolin again. "What do you think...about blood status and all?"

Aang looked back at the boys, interested in their opinions.

Sokka rolled his eyes. "It's all a bunch of rubbish. Who cares if you're pure or not? It's just blood! My dad was the best wizard in his year and he was muggle-born."

"Being that there's different types of blood purity in my family, you probably know where I stand," Bolin said.

"My family's pretty big on it," Zuko replied. "My father expects me to marry a pure-blood, no matter who it is. My whole family thinks they're better than everyone, they think they're royalty."

"Well, my mum's a pure-blood and she doesn't think she's royalty," Sokka replied.

"You know, we probably have the same blood in our veins. We might be cousins."

"Wouldn't that be something!" Sokka said with a laugh.

"So, you think anyone could be a great wizard...despite what they are?" Aang asked suddenly.

The three boys looked at him like they had forgotten he was there, which they did. "Yeah," Bolin said. "If you can do magic, you have a chance at being great."

"I'm a half-blood," Aang replied. "Both parents were muggle-born. My dad's an auror, my mum's a writer...she doesn't have any books published though."

"Your name is Aang right?" Zuko asked. Aang nodded in response. "What's your last name?"


"Blimey! Your dad's Tinley Lhundup!?" Sokka practically yelled. "He's one of the best aurors! He brought in some of the most dangerous wizards! He even brought in werewolves as well!" Aang tensed up. "He's the reason I want to be an auror!"

"Yeah, I hear him talking with my mum sometimes, says the ministry is thinking about making him head auror." 

"He should be, your dad's awesome."

Aang shrugged. "Yeah, I guess."

Aang had never really admired his father because of his auror work, he mainly admired him because of what he taught him. He always thought his dad knew everything because he seemed to have the answers to all his questions. 

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