Chapter Seven

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Sokka watched as his twin sister happily ran over to the Ravenclaw table. He smiled brightly, happy that she got into the house she wanted.

"Aippaq, Sokka!" Professor Iroh called next.

Katara looked at her brother and gave him an encouraging smile as he walked up to the stool. The hat was placed on his head as soon as he sat down.

"Hmm...another Aippaq," the hat said. "Interesting...much like your sister you are. Bravery like your father, but brains to match your mother's. You would do well in Ravenclaw, you have certain Hufflepuff qualities, and you would be outstanding in Gryffindor."

"I'd want to be in Gryffindor like my dad, but whatever you think best, sir," Sokka said. "My mum said to trust you."

"So be it then. Best be-"


The Hufflepuff table broke out into applause as Sokka left the stool to join them. He joyfully sat down in an empty space as different Hufflepuffs greeted him. It might not have been what he wanted, but it was better than Slytherin in his opinion. He did admire some of the Hufflepuff qualities, and some of his heroes did come from Hufflepuff.

"Amaruq, Tahno!"


"Beifong, Meng!"

Meng nudged Toph before rushing up to the stool and getting the hat placed onto her head.


"Beifong, Toph!"

Toph walked up to the stool easily and sat down. She didn't even flinch when the hat was placed on her head.

"Hmm...interesting...I see great ambition and the thirst to prove yourself. Yes, yes, I know where to put you. Best be-"


Toph smirked as she stood up. The Slytherin table cheered as she walked to join them.

Professor Iroh called more names. Each student ran up to the stool to be sorted. "Diggory, Avery!" was the first girl to be a Gryffindor. "Jie, Suki!" was sorted into Gryffindor.

"Jin-Kubo, Bolin!"

Bolin ran up and sat down on the stool, which rocked a little bit since he did it so quickly from his excitement. The hat was placed on his head and he was practically bouncing with excitement.

The hat chuckled. "Very excited I see. And you're also loyal and very hardworking. I know just where to put you-"


Bolin stood up excitedly. He waved at his brother, who was sitting at the Slytherin table, then ran to the Hufflepuff table and sat next to Sokka.

"Lhundup, Aang!"

Aang jumped when his name was called. He looked around nervously before walking up to the stool. He tripped on the way up, but was able to catch himself. He blushed, embarrassed, as he sat on the stool. Iroh placed the hat on his head and it fell over his eyes. He was even more embarrassed since it didn't happen to anyone else, mainly because he was the smallest one in the room.

Aang lifted the hat up so it sat properly on his head. Then it began to speak, "Interesting...interesting...I haven't seen one like this in a long time. You're very brave, and smart too. I see a hint of slyness and ambition. But you're very hard-working and loyal. Where to put you, where to put you..."

"M-my parents were in Hufflepuff," Aang said nervously. "I'd like to be in the same house please? I-if that's okay."

"Are you sure? The greatest heroes come from Gryffindor, and you could be great in Slytherin. No? Alright then, better be-"


Aang quickly stood up, making the hat fall over his eyes again. Professor Iroh lifted the hat from his head before he could run to the Hufflepuff table. His eyes turned light grey as he joined his house; sitting next to Sokka.

"Jet Liu!" was called up next and sorted into Slytherin.

"Kato, Allie!" Professor Iroh called proudly.

The girl from the train rushed up to the stool and quickly sat down. Professor Iroh placed the hat on her head, then came a moment of silence.


Allie stood up excitedly and ran over to the Slytherin table. Zuko watched her nervously, even the daughter of his uncle got into Slytherin. How would his dad feel if he didn't?

"Kato, Zuko!"

Zuko jumped and looked at his uncle who was looking at him proudly. The Slytherin table already began cheering. He felt as if he couldn't breath, so he took a deep breath before walking up to the stool. Iroh gave him an encouraging smile as he sat down. The hat was placed on his head.

"Ahhh, you're of the so called Noble House of Kato, I see..." Mused the hat. "I have sorted many a Kato, all with the same views, though it is rare to find one that changes."

"I'm not like my family," Zuko said. "I'm like my uncle...I don't believe in that stuff. I don't want to be like them."

"No? But you could be great," said the hat. "You could have immense power. You'd be apart of something great, maybe even become famous."

"I can be famous in any house," Zuko replied. "I can be a great wizard no matter where I am."

"But what would your family think?"

Zuko's stomach twisted at the question. If he were to go through with this, he would be the first ever Kato to be sorted into another house. Even his cousin Allie, who he thought for sure would be in a different house, was sorted into Slytherin.

He could make history. Not be held down by family traditions. He could be free...and maybe set an example to Azula. Help her be free too, and not be treated like traditional Pure-Blood women usually are.

"I don't care what they'll think," Zuko said finally.

"You would defy generations of Kato family tradition?"


The hat chuckled. "You will truly make history my boy. Best be-"


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