Chapter 12 - Questions

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The fox-man came out of the room and went to each of the girls to ask them if they could join him in the reception. The girls dropped everything they were doing and rushed to get there, all of them feeling the excitement bubbling up. Well, most of them; Meiko was still wrapping her mind around it.

The reception was a room much bigger than the portal room, and it was rectangular instead of a square, stretching to the sides of the door. On the left wall there was only a single door, closed. By the wall on the right, there was what seemed to be a shrine or altar of some sort, in a chocolate-brown wood with modest carvings; its only purpose seemed to be to hold a display of five small figures that represented different aspects of nature and were each made of a different material and color. There was a dais by the bottom wall, although it was so low that it was closer to being a simple step than a platform; the reason it seemed like a dais was because the fox-man was standing there with open arms, very ceremonial in his loose white robe, looking like a wizard about to present the girls with an important quest. Behind him, there were two small, squared, beige pieces of fabric that were painted with unfamiliar symbols that resembled the ones on the portal arch. On the floor of the dais, embroidered cushions of varied colors and shapes were placed in a very specific way. The fox-man sat on them gracefully as all the guests entered the room and took their seats in a semi-circle around him.

Following the example of the two girls that were already there, the three arriving girls each grabbed a cushion and sat down facing the fox-man. All five of them remained silent, expectant, and eyed each other curiously.

Nina was sitting on the left end of the semi-circle, and she was eye-catching due to her style. Her skin was quite pale. She had round cheeks and her mouth was narrow with thin lips, but her smile was wide and bright. She had a small, rounded nose. Her eyebrows were thin but nicely curved and they complemented her amber-colored eyes perfectly, which were stretched and wide with long eyelashes. Her hair was chocolate-brown with a few highlights in a lighter tone, cut short to her ears but puffy on the top and slightly curly. And to give the final touch to her chic look, she had a silver hoop piercing on her nose. She was wearing a white knitted sweater with black jeans and sneakers, and her satchel rested on the floor by her side.

Next to her was Meiko, whose hair was dark brown, almost black, thin and straight, and shoulder-length, with side bangs. Her eye-color was a dark brown that looked lighter when the sun hit it, and her eyelashes were long and straight. The bridge of her nose was low, and her nostrils were slightly wider and round. Her lips were something that stood out, because they were oval-shaped and fleshy. Her face was round but delicate, her cheeks flat and dimpled, and her skin was pearly and without any lines. She was wearing sporty clothes that were loose enough not to accentuate the shape of her body. She seemed like a delicate flower from whichever angle you looked at her.

Natalia was the biggest of the girls in size. She was a little chubby and big-chested. Her hair was dark brown, wavy and frizzy, and it fell heavily on the sides of her face, reaching all the way down to her hips. Big, green eyes with long eyelashes and an expression of self-confidence made her look like she could conquer the world in her spare time. Her nose was short and with slightly wide, round nostrils. She had a squared face with chubby cheeks that got highlighted when she smiled with her long and thin lips. She was wearing a t-shirt with jean shorts that revealed long legs with wide, strong thighs.

Anna stood out thanks to her hair, not only because of its bright red color but also its size and unruly nature; it reached past her waist, so it seemed bigger than her entire body, which was slim and petite on its own. Complementing this striking mane were a pair of big blue eyes and a wide mouth with fleshy and pouty lips, her big teeth peeking through them. Her nose was little, thin, and freckled. Her jaw was squared but delicate. She was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and formal pants and boots; her big coat and scarf were lying on the floor behind her.

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