Chapter 37 - Not alone

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After finishing her conversation with Arthur, Nina sat still on her bed for a half-hour, gathering her wits and trying to go over all the string of emotions she had felt. It was around then that there was a knock on the door. Peeking in, Nati asked in a whispery voice if she could come inside. When Nina said yes, she appeared with a mug of steaming herbal tea that Nina could smell from her place in the bed. Behind her, the rest of the girls walked in and closed the door. Nati offered the mug to Nina, who took it with gratitude and cradled it to feel the warmth on her hands. She sat next to Nina on the bed and put her arm around her without saying a word. It wasn't needed; the tea had been a clear enough message. Nina rested her head on Nati's shoulder and looked at the rest of the group, who had settled on the floor around the bed and were looking at her with tender smiles. She felt a strange warmth in her chest, even though she hadn't taken a sip of the tea yet.

Arthur, as a parting advice, had been wise to remind her that she was not alone in her suffering, even if she was fighting her own battles. Of course Arthur was always right.

Anna eyed Nina curiously. Something had changed. There were remnants of an unfamiliar melody in the air that surrounded her, a dark melody. She frowned. No, that wasn't it exactly. It was a dark sound that was slowly leaving her, but it wasn't strictly speaking a sound. It was like there had been spaces between certain notes where no sound could be found, and now her melody had to start filling them again, stitching itself back together.

Suddenly Anna understood what had happened and found herself having a whole new respect for Nina. The room was in no disarray, not a single thing out of place except the covers of her bed.

"Did you..." she started to say, breaking the silence of the room. All eyes turned to her, confused at her wide-eyed expression. "Did you... talk yourself out of it?"

Nina smiled at her with tired eyes, not terribly surprised that Anna had been able to notice. "I guess you could say that."

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