Chapter 71 - Envelope

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Nati was having lunch in the kitchen while flipping through a summary on Freud theory that a classmate had kindly let her borrow. She'd been home for three months, and half of it had been spent physically and emotionally recovering from what she'd been through and readjusting to life back in Córdoba. She had tons of exams to prepare for and had missed a bunch of important classes, so she was already regaining the lovely feeling of being stressed out by university. But a part of her was just happy to be back learning things that deeply interested her. Well, not Freud specifically because he sucked, but other subjects.

She was focused on that task when an envelope appeared out of nowhere next to her hand on the table. She didn't need to read the inscription on it to know it was from Nina. She put the photocopies aside, stopped eating and picked up the envelope, which was slightly thicker than the last time. Eagerly, she opened it and took out the two sheets of paper inside.

When Anna opened her eyes that morning, she heard three things at once: the soft echoes of her mother's voice, the serene and wonderful sound of Meiko's melody, and the clicking of a keyboard. Stretching, she looked to her left to find Meiko sitting up with her laptop on her legs and a focused look in her eyes. For the past few days she'd woken up to this very same image, as finding a job was proving a bit difficult for Meiko and being housed for free for three months didn't sit well with her. Usually, Anna would sit next to her and distract her with neck kisses until she closed the laptop and paid attention to her. But this morning there was no need; she closed it before Anna could even lean closer to her. Without saying anything, Meiko reached towards the nightstand and showed Anna an envelope with a sweet smile on her face. Anna turned to the nightstand on her side and found her own envelope resting there. They giggled at each other, opened the envelope, inspected what was inside, and Anna read out loud for them.

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