Chapter 56 - Knowledge

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When she opened her eyes, the first thing Nati saw was fingers spread out above her face. Behind them, a wooden ceiling. She heard an exhalation as the fingers retreated and disappeared behind her, giving her a wider view of the dimly lit ceiling. She couldn't move, the weight of her mind pulling her down like gravity.

A tear fell down each side of her temples as reality set in and her memories readjusted. She was afraid to blink and find herself back in the dark. It felt like she'd been pulled apart and then smashed back together into a close resemblance of her original shape but with the pieces arranged differently in uncomfortable patterns. She wished she could erase the image of Santi's unnaturally wide smile, but it would likely be seared in there, a nightmare that would never leave her, even if it had been her own creation.

"You're a stubborn one, aren't you?" said Anna's voice coming from her side. Reality felt much more tangible after hearing it, and only then did she realize that the room was bouncing in a steady rhythm. And she could hear muffled laughter coming from downstairs. Grateful for the distractions, she turned her head to find a crying Meiko wrapped in Anna's arms. A tired smile formed on Nati's lips without her trying and the weight of her mind felt a little bit lighter.

"Welcome back, captain," said Anna as she made Meiko sit down on the bed next to Nati's legs.

Nati tried to sit up but she still felt weird and numb. "How long was I out?" she asked in a cracked voice. Her throat still felt hoarse from calling Santiago's name so many times, even if it had only been in her head. As she felt anxiety creep in, she conjured back the image of the beam of light that had whispered with the voices of her friends, thankful that this was also seared into her mind.

"Just a day; Meiko was determined," replied Anna showing Meiko an expression of both pride and disapproval.

Nati forced her neck to look down and exchange a glace with Meiko on the other side of the bed. Even in the warm yellow light, she looked pale, but she wore a content smile nonetheless. "We don't deserve you, Meiko," she told her, and Anna nodded in agreement.

"You should know that we're traveling right now; we've left town," said Anna.

"That explains the bouncing," replied Nati in a lighter tone. Feeling more clearheaded, she gathered some strength and sat up on the bed.

"We can give you some time alone if you want."

Nati shook her head vehemently and moved her legs off the bed. She got up slowly to avoid any possible head rushes; Anna tried to offer assistance but it wasn't needed. Meiko, however, welcomed Anna's help getting up; she looked like she would faint at any moment. Lunch would likely be done soon, so they could both get their strength back with the power of Ruvyn's recipes.

As they reached the final step of the stairs, all six members of the troupe that had been playing around in the living room jumped on Nati's shoulders with different levels of excitement to welcome her back. And then they congratulated Meiko on her quick success; Omylia in particular expressed her utmost admiration and respect.

"It's unusual," Az commented as everyone settled down from the surprise. "Yesterday when we were collecting gossip and information, we heard of Sehvian healers trying to wake up the unconscious around town, but they were all unsuccessful. And they are the finest healers of Amentia. A human who's only been in this world for a handful of days being able to bring back two creatures from that deep sleep is remarkable to say the least."

"Did they say why they couldn't heal them?" Nati asked, sitting down at the table.

Anna smiled a discrete smile, glad to see Nati asking questions already and feeling like herself.

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