💫Chapter 18💫

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*the next morning*

"Oi, my sweet baby sister, it's time to wake up." "5 more minutes..." "I'll make you your favorite plate of pasta." I woke up immediately cause who doesn't want a plate of your favorite food. "Nii-Chan, don't make my favorite pasta. Your cooking is really bad." "She's right you know, Kuroo." "Gah- Kenma, that's so mean." "Nii-Chan, last time you cooked for us, you burned the food." "Kuroo, the only decent food that you can make is toast." "Oi Oi, you two stop that." "I rather have someone else make my favorite pasta." "Then Samu will make your pasta!!" Atsumu said as he burst through the door. "Atsumu, don't burst through the door." "Hehe, Sorry! Samu is a really "good cook." "So he's better than Lonnie." "Huh?" "Atsumu, I've been the one, who's cooking all the food at the kitchen." "Eeeeeeeeehhhhhh!!!" Everyone sweat dropped. "So it was your cooking the entire time." "Hai, I sneak into the kitchen before you guys get there and cook all the food, then leave after everything is done." "Naniiiii!!" Everyone yelled. "I thought all the managers cooked the food!" Nii-Chan said. "Nii-Chan, you're so dumb." "Huh!!!" "Well... the other managers just prepare plates of the food and I just cook the food." "The food that I ate thought it was the other managers the entire time but it was Lonnie-Chan the whole time!!" "Yamamoto, are you that dumb!?!?" "NOOOO!!! I'm not that dumb!!" "By the looks of it, You are dumb." *GASP* There it is a loud gasp coming from Yamamoto. "Hey! I'm not dumb." "Everyone agrees that you are dumb but you don't agree." Yamamoto moves into a corner and sit there being sad. The boys were just staring at Yamamoto. "How about we just go and get breakfast?" "Yeah let's go get some breakfast." Then everyone left the room except for me and Nii-Chan. "Nii-Chan does mom and dad know what happened??" "Of course they know. Coach informed them." "I hope that crazy dude get a restraining order." "Agree... Now, let's go and eat breakfast!" "Okay, Nii-Chan!"

A/N- Hi Hi, I know it's been awhile. It's just that I've been busy with school. I'm trying to graduate sooooo... Hopefully you guys have a nice day!!

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