🥀Chapter 5🥀

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Kuroo's POV


Momma Yakkun
Oi Kuroo where's your sister

                   Big Bro 😎     She's at home but she won't let me inside her room

Pudding Head 🍮

Momma Yakkun
Kenma you know something

Pudding Head 🍮
I do but it's not my place to say

Momma Yakkun

                    Big Bro 😎
Kenma you think Lonnie will be okay??

Pudding Head 🍮
I don't know

Momma Yakkun

Pudding Head 🍮
All we should is just give her space

Momma Yakkun

Big Bro 😎

Pudding Head 🍮
Kuroo I know what you are doing

Big Bro 😎

Pudding Head 🍮
She's texting me that you won't stop banging on her door

                    Big Bro 😎
Sigh... I just want her to be okay

Momma Yakkun
We know... we also want her to be okay

Pudding Head 🍮

Momma Yakkun
Anyways let's just go to practice

                    Big Bro 😎

Pudding Head 🍮

  Pudding Head 🍮 went offline
   Momma Yakkun went offline
   Big Bro 😎 went offline

Lonnie's POV in irl

After that incident, I wasn't feeling well. I know that everyone will be worry because of the notifications from my phone and Nii-Chan won't stop banging on the door before he went to practice. I'm really annoyed because my phone keeps buzzing. I finally decided to look at my text messages. A lot from Suna and the Miya Twins. Some from Kenma and Akaashi. I checked Kenma's messages first.

The private chat with Kenma and Lonnie

Pudding Head 🍮
Lonnie are you okay
You know I'm not good with words but you have the guys at Nekoma and other people in the group chat
Everyone worried about you even Suna
I'm guessing your getting texts from the people that worried about you the most

In irl
Woah that's unexpected Suna is worried about me??? Now I want to check his messages but I will save his for last

The private chat with Akaashi and Lonnie

Normal Person
Are you okay??
I heard what happened
Kenma told me
Well anyways just be okay everyone is really worried

Then I checked Atsumu's messages

The private chat with Atsumu and Lonnie

Piss Miya
Are you okay
People are worried about you
You know
Don't listen what OmiOmi said
Of course Kenma told me
Please don't be down
All of us are here for you
I will make sure to check on you every day same with Samu
I will bring you Samu's onigiris that I stole from him
But don't tell him that was me😉

Interesting now let's check Osamu's messages

The private chat with Osamu and Lonnie

Onigiri Miya 🍙
You okay???
I could bring you my onigiris that I made earlier
I think you shouldn't be sad
We all know that Sakusa is like that
Everyone is worried about you
Even Suna
Usually he doesn't care about it but when it comes to you he's doing something
Everyone don't want you to be depressed

Now imma check Suna's messages

The private chat with Suna and Lonnie

Bendy Boi
I was forced to text you by the twins
I'm too tired to type
I want to sleep
But the twins won't let me sleep until I text you
I guess everyone is worried about you
So are you going to answer if not
I'm going to sleep

Bendy Boi went offline

A/N- Sorry for the cliffhanger but I'm in a middle of making a birthday/Christmas special✨ plus I'm making my first lyric prank for this story it's going to be a surprise and if you have more songs to suggest or ideas just comment I will do something with it I hope you guys have a great day ☺️☺️

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