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I was feeling like Satan I was ready to kill steal and destroy, as I was running over the plan once again with Jonathan  and making sure he knew what he wanted to do, everything was in motion  and we also had to time this just right. I was ready to see her fall on her ass and be dragged to hell. Don't get me wrong she was a sweet girl and she never caused problems, and everyone loved her, but like I said ever since her man never gave me any play and always chose her I was on a mission to cause hell. Im not afraid to say that I was jealous of her and her glamorous situation, she stayed flawless and kept it all together. I know I'm going to regret this but hey it is what it is.  I may have talked about her but deep down she was the total package and if I couldn't have it all then she wouldn't either. I was going to have fun and I couldn't wait until she met Jonathan  yeah, he was gonna make her feel good and once she's fallen he's gonna abuse her mentally and physically and I was here for it.
I was cruising down the highway, it was about eight in the morning and I knew I had to do this soon because she always came in around ten. I couldn't wait to hear this when she got off and I prayed her car was still in the shop I wanted to have the pleasure of picking her up. I headed to the store to grab some spray paint and some duct tape, I was going to  steal and cause damage all at once my plan was a go and I was so ready to get started. As I drove up to the building I parked in back as I popped my trunk to grab my all black suit and mask, I couldn't risk being seen it was way too early for that. After getting dressed and gathering everything I broke the lock and snuck in. As I watched this man and women set up I knew it was time.
"Put your hands up and face the wall!"
They started screaming and this lady had the nerve to pull out mace, so I ended up banging her on the head with the bat in my hand . I had to make sure that she passed out, so I gave her a few whacks until she was down. I quickly ran over to the dude and tied him up to the chair and duct taped his mouth, so he wouldn't scream. Once he was where I needed him to be I made my way to the back as I saw someone enter the building, so I ducked down   so they wouldn't see me as I made my way to the money room. I broke the lock and made my way in as I stole the amount of money I wanted so I can get the hell out of there but I almost forgot the finishing touch. I took my spray pain and broke her lock off her door and sprayed painted on the walls that I'll be back, and she can bet her bottom dollar that I would. I made it to the security room and disabled the cameras and took the footage, I wasn't getting caught no way no time soon I wanted to make sure that everything was working in my favor and I be damn if this bitch came out on top. I was going to milk her dry and she would never know that it was me and she would go around still trusting me. I knew how to play my part and make sure that she never knew until I said so.
This plan was golden, and if she thinks this is bad she aint seen shit yet Jonathan was go really have her under his control and I couldn't wait to see how much she gone call me or that bitch Charmaine crying her eyes out cause little ol Jonathan  making her ass miserable. Laughing at myself I finished what I had to do and was out of there.
I called Tameka about two hours later to see if she was getting ready. As she answered the phone she sounded so damn happy and at peace but soon she was going to be crying and feeling depressed as hell.
"Hey girl what's up, you up?"
"Yes, girl could you do me a favor?"
"Sure, what's up sis you know I got you?"
"Could you pick me up a mocha, and a hot and ready breakfast I don't feel like cooking and I'm backed up on paperwork so girl you know how that can be." 
Ugh I swear she needed to get her car back I was tired of doing shit for her, but I mustered up my best best friend voice and replied
"Girl I got you and I bet I know what you want...  your original right or do you want to switch it up for the one time?"
"Naw I think I'll get what I always get besides I don't want to gain no weight and lose my figure too early in my years of living."
"Ok girl I'll be there soon I'm so proud of you, your business is booming or whatever."
"Thanks girl I take pride in what I do and make sure I do that shit right, and besides Kendell would have wanted nothing but the best for me so I'm going to  make him happy in spirit ..."
By the sound of her voice I knew she wanted to break down and I knew I had to get my ass off the phone I didn't want to hear this fool cry anymore in my life, but I laughed at myself cause I knew she would be crying later and I would have to console her.
"Well let me make my way to you and get your ass to work on time."
After I hung up I made my way to gather her things. I made sure to tell them to put some cinnamon in her drink cause I knew she was allergic, like I said I was ready to destroy and there was no one that was going to stop me.
As I was cruising to pick her up I got a call from Jonathan saying that Kendell  escaped but he was wearing a disguise, so he wouldn't be noticed. I was feeling nervous, but I had no worries it would take a while for him to find her, and by him being in this position my plan was still a go.
My boy was on the job so I'm sure he will get caught up in something to give me enough time to set my plan in motion. As I pulled up to her hose she was waiting and ready to go.
"Hey girl get in I got your food ready for you."
"Thanks girl you always come through when I need you to."
As she ate and sipped her drink, I knew she would be bitching later about her allergic reaction and her office invasion, so after I dropped her off I told her I would be here front and center when she got off. As I drove back home to chill and talk to my love, I couldn't help but to laugh this was gonna be fun

My Sister's Keeper: A Tale Of Two Faces PART ONE Where stories live. Discover now