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I was so upset about the mess that Tameka was enduring, and I knew that that if Kendell knew he would be on a killing spree. He loved my best friend so much and I knew that he would go to the end of the world for her. He told me that he had something to tell me but due to the events of Tameka's previous condition I had to put a pause on that call and see how I was gonna explain this and get to the bottom of it all.
"What's wrong dear?  Your barley touching your dinner?" My mother asked while we were sitting at the table.
I was staying over my parent's house for the night for some reason I didn't trust them being alone, even though we lived across the street from each other.
"Mom it's a lot and Tameka's in the hospital."
"What's going on with my daughter?"
She always called her "her child" since me and her were so close,
"She uh. Got hurt, but she's gonna be okay. "
I couldn't just come out and tell her what happened cause I knew that she would be ready to hurt anybody who dared lay a finger on her, hell her and my dad cared deeply about me and her and I was glad to have parents to protect us like they did.
I was interrupted with a call from Kendell and I knew I had to think of something, I was avoiding his calls all day and I knew I had to explain and try to get him to understand. I didn't think that lying  to him was a clever idea, but I knew that the truth would kill him. I was stuck and needed a way out to think so I turned off my phone for the night and told my mom that I wasn't hungry and made my way to the guest room. I took a shower and took my ass to bed. I hope that she didn't stay with this man and just moved on and if she did stay I pray he didn't cause any more damage to her. Tameka was a sweet girl and never bothered no one and didn't need all of this drama and pain.
I tossed and turned all that night and Had a horrible dream of finding Tameka dead and having no answers as is to what happened. I had a job interview in the morning and I knew I couldn't pick up Tameka and I prayed That Jonathan didn't take her home and everything turned out ok for her.
I woke up the next morning and decided to wear some capris and a nice short sleeve shirt and a little make up. Today I was going for my interview for this job position at this doctor's office. I was very excited, because my work was finally gonna pay off and I've been waiting so long to put my works to the test. I got a call from my home girl and I informed her of all the drama that was taking place she told me that she had a lot of info, but she was caught  up in another case and couldn't help like she wanted to. So, she wouldn't be on the case no more. I was very upset, but she promised me that she had a skilled worker on the case that was sure to put a stop to all of this.
After the bitter sweet news , I was pulling up to my interview, I got out and made sure that I had all the paperwork that I needed. I was sure to ace this interview and land the nurse's position.
"How are you doing I'm here for my interview."
"You're early, I like that follow me I'll be the One giving the interview. My name is Ebony, and you must me the highly recommended Charmaine."
"Have we meet before?"
"No but I know all about you, your friend, Mrs. Shivers told us that you are the best of the best and that you would be great for this potion."
I smiled cause my girl always had my back even when I never knew it. She was always looking out and made sure  that I had the best of the best  even though she was going through her own struggles.
"Judging by your smile I see she's important to you and yall must be very close."
"Yeah she's like a sister to me and I'm honored that she thought so highly of me to do this."
"Well let's get the interview started shall we." 
As we made our way to the back and I filled out the paper, Ebony told me that she would call me  back if I had the job. I walked back to my car smiling and very grateful, even if I didn't get the job I would still be happy. I had a best friend who adored me, and I was more than willing to help her get back on her feet like  how she's been secretly  providing for me. I decided to cut back on my phone and check my messages. I knew that Kendell was probably blowing me up and I was right he was. I decided to call him back to see what was up.
"Hey, dude, what's up?"
"Man, what's wrong with Tameka and her look, what happened?" He asked in a very concerned tone.
"Long story," I replied trying not to get upset thinking of it all.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" I heard Tameka scream in the background.
"What's going on? " I asked Kendell in a very serious tone.
"Meet us at her house, this some scary shit."
I hung up with him and made my way over , I didn't know what was going on and I had a feeling that the way she screamed that it wasn't good. When I made it to her crib I couldn't believe what I saw, and I saw Tammy's name all over this. But for my homie I was going to keep my cool. How can this bitch hurt her so much over some dick? She was over here crying, and it broke my heart cause she just got out the hospital and she didn't need this. I saw the look on Kendell's face and knew that he was livid, and his trigger finger was probably itching, he wasn't a stranger to a gun and knew how to use it and wouldn't ask any questions about any crime that he had to commit. As I made my way over I knew we had a long road ahead of us, but nothing would prepare us for what we saw inside.

My Sister's Keeper: A Tale Of Two Faces PART ONE Where stories live. Discover now