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My job was going great and I was proud to be a free man, but I missed Tameka and wonder if I would ever see her again. I decided to go get a fresh haircut and do a little shopping for myself since I got my first paycheck. I heard about this new mall that just opened and decided to take a look around. As I got to the parking lot I saw Tameka's car and a smiled appeared on my face. I wonder would we even speak and have a conversation this time or will we miss each other? As I made my way inside I saw a face that I thought I would never see again and that was Charmaine.
I remember when Tameka first introduced us; she was so down to earth and all the way live. She saw me, and a tear fell from her eyes. I guess she still knew it was me even with my disguise, I saw her as she told Tameka that she would be right back, and I watched Tameka walk into Victoria secret.
"Oh my God it is you what the hell is going on?!" She said with loads of excitement.
"It's a lot to explain, but girl where is my hug I missed yo little crazy ass."
As we embraced each other tears fell from her eyes and I must admit it was happy to have a small piece of my life back.
"Look I got some info and I need your help."
"You know I got you what up and Tameka's been missing the hell out of you."
"I know I can't lie I missed her so deeply and when I ran into her at the bar by her job it took everything in me not to grab her and take her down where she stood but I couldn't."
"Why couldn't you what's going on talk to me."
"Well you see that night I got arrested this chick name Tammy set me up and she had me locked up and sent away and when I lost contact with yall I felt my whole world crumble and you see I had to change my identity and be a little undercover until the perfect time, I escaped and got me a small place to stay for a while.
"Wait did you say Tammy?"
"Yeah what's wrong?"
She took out a picture out of her purse and showed it to me so that I could confirm it and when I did she told me that Tammy befriended Tameka and set her up with this man and we knew she was in trouble. I was upset that she started seeing someone, but I had to plan this out carefully and get close to her somehow I knew that after our first encounter that maybe it wouldn't go so well.
"I got an idea I'll introduce you as my good friend from high school and say we just met back up and take it from there, at the perfect time we can tell her and see where it goes you just stay with the new identity and you need a name."
"I got It lets do this. " I reassured her.
We walked in the store as she was shopping, and she turned her face up as we walked near.
"Hey Charmaine that the man I told you about, I didn't know you knew him."
"Oh yeah I knew him in high school, Tameka this is my homie Mario, Mario this is Tameka."
As we shook hands she trembled at my touch and for a moment she stared in my eyes, it felt like time stopped.
"Oh, I'm sorry I just got caught up, anyway it is so nice to finally meet you fully and oh yeah about that day that I caught an attitude im sorry I was just having a rough day."
"It's alright maybe we can be friends or something if you like."
"That's cool I wouldn't mind at all let me put your number in."
As we made the exchange and I said my goodbyes to her, me and Charmaine talked a little more and went over our lives and caught up, I told her that I've been taking care of Tameka and she never knew about it and I even hired workers to help out. I was doing all that I could to help my baby make it. After we said our goodbyes and she got back to Tameka we agreed to stay in touch and put a tracker on Tameka's car to keep track on her every move and I think Tammy is planning something and now that I knew that she was near for real and I wasn't just seeing things at the shop the other day   I was scared as ever for Tameka's life. I pray she didn't hurt my baby in any way and I pray who ever this man was he didn't do her bad or I'll kill him. I could say that I wanted him to break her heart, but she deserved to be happy, but I knew that if we became friends and she learned to put her trust inn me that I'll be there for her whenever she needed me.
As I walked through the mall I kept getting looks from all kind of girls and they were all beautiful, but my heart was already taken, and I had no desire to let go but maybe I should have a little fun and let loose for a bit. So, I approached a nice little breezy and told her to come with me for the night, she would be gone by the morning and no feelings would be involved so I knew that I'll be alright. We went out to eat and had lunch and I did get to know her, but I wasn't that interested I just needed something to do for the time being. She told me she had a man and she was just looking for something to get into cause he was cheating. I was cool with that cause I told her I was taken but we had a complicated relationship going on and she agreed to have a one-night stand with me and then we would go our separate ways. As we pulled up to my spot and made our way inside she wasted no time giving me dome and what not. I felt dirty, but I knew that at a time like this none of this would make any since.
As I pounded her from the back I kept thinking that she was Tameka and how I was giving her these back shots. As I felt myself about to climax I shot on her ass and saw that I tired her out. That's why I couldn't wait to have Tameka back cause she would go all night and all day if she had to. She was a sex Fein like me and I liked that shit.
The next morning, she was gone but she left her number and asked if I could call her sometimes. I shook my head cause I knew that she would want more and who knew maybe she would get more if she acted right but I knew that once me and Tameka got tight I would have to cut her off cause I would have my queen back and I would have no time for sidelines.
I got ready for another day at work. I took my shower and headed out. I decided to go, and ride pass Tameka's job to make sure I didn't see any unusual activity going down. As I was driving I got a call from Charmaine asking me if I would come to her graduation and I was more than happy to join her. I was so proud of her and all of her success. She deserved the world just like Tameka did, and I prayed that one day she met a man to adore her the same way that I adored Tameka. She was always smart and well put together; she had a passion for learning and stayed ready for the world. I knew she wanted to be a doctor, so I decided to give her some seed money and maybe one day she would have her own business. She was like my best friend and like a good best friend I wanted to see her shine in any way possible.
As I was finally at work getting settled I was interrupted by a knock on my door.
"Hey, my nigga what's up?" My boss walked in.
"I'm good what you need from me?"
"See that's why I like you cause you're always willing to help out but um I was wondering if you could lock up and make sure everything is in order for me before you leave for the night."
"I got you, it's no problem."
"Thanks, I'll see you tomorrow be safe nigga."
As he walked out I got back to work on these papers that I had to fill out. As the night came in I got this eerie feeling and decided to have a look around outside to see if I saw anything. I walked out and didn't see anyone but when I heard gunshots rang out I knew I was in trouble. I had no heat on me, so I ran back inside and looked in my bottom drawer and found my pistol, I went back out and shot back as quick as I could. The pain in the leg was nothing cause I been shot before and in plenty of fights so all I needed to do was keep my eyes on the shooter and everything would be alright. I was suddenly knocked over the head with something and everything moved in slow motion.
About fifteen minutes later I was met with the eyes of a women and when I tell you it was a shock to see her you just got to believe me.
"Tammy what the hell do you want man?"
"Just cause you escaped don't mean I can't find you, what the hell do you think you doing?"
"Look I don't need any trouble."
"Oh, don't worry the real heartbreak hasn't arrived yet and I can't wait to see the look on your face when you see what I got planned for you and your little heart Tameka."
"Don't you dare hurt her you piece of shit."
"Oh, don't worry I'll wait to hurt you both physically together but for now ima hurt her emotionally."
I knew I couldn't make a move cause I knew she would kill me so at this point I was stuck with nowhere to go. I had to find a way to warn Charmaine about this and look into this matter before it was too late. As she left me with a pounding headache and a sore leg I built enough strength to make it to my car and drive to the emergency room to get checked out. After that I made my way to my apartment and found that my window was busted, and I was now beyond frustrated cause I knew I had to explain this to my boss and landlord. I decided to lay it down and call it a night, I had a long day and I decided to think of Tameka to help relax me. Who knew that drama would damn near burry me and spin my world completely around.
"So, mom are you ready to go?" 
"Yes, I'm excited, I can't believe your graduating today I'm so happy for you."
"Me to and to have you along side of me and my best friend means the world to me." Tameka said.
"I'm happy myself and can't wait to see what the future holds for our little girl,"
My dad said walking in with his suit on.
"Dad you look nice in that suit move over Denzel" I chuckled as I finished up my makeup.
Today was the day of my graduation and I was more than ready to walk cross that stage and accept my diploma. I was ready to go in the doctor field and help people and I was also thankful that the graduation was moved so my parents and best friends could attend 
As my name was called both my parents and Tameka cheered for me and even Kendell made it. I asked him about his leg and when he told me what happened and warned me I knew that moving back was a fantastic idea and I couldn't wait. There was no way that Tammy was getting away with this shit that she was trying to prove. I asked Tameka if I could stay with her until I got on my feet and of course my best friend was there for me, all I had to do was go home and gather my things and then I would be all settled in. It was time to make my speech for the class of 2018 and get my new life started.
The crowded went wild as I walked off the stage. I met up with everyone as they all congratulated me on my success. I saw this faraway look in Tameka's eyes and I couldn't help but to see that she was staring at Kendell.
"Are you okay girl?"
"Oh yeah im good just thinking."
"About what?"
"Nothing girl I'm tripin hard let's just head out we got a celebration to get to."
I knew what she was thinking but I didn't speak on it, I couldn't and although it killed me I had a mission. When we made it back to my parent's house.  We got the shock of our lives when the house was flaming.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" My mother screamed.
I just stood there frozen not knowing what to do or think and I had a feeling of what could have happened, but I had no proof and that hurt me the most. As my dad called the fire department and made sure that everyone was okay, I couldn't help but cry because all of the pictures and things were gone, and my parents were homeless. They had this house for over ten years and now it was gone and there was nothing I could do.
In the mist of it all I got a call from a girl I had watching my house and when she told me that my house was in flames as well I broke down. I didn't understand why anyone would cause so much pain to people's lives and I had a feeling that this was just the beginning. As I gathered myself and checked on my mother and father I saw the pain in their eyes.
"I'm so sorry all of this happened on today it was supposed to be special. " My mom spoke.
"It's ok mom it still is but I'm sorry that yall lost this house it's been around for so long, and I just got a call that my house burned down as well so I guess we all lost today. "
"Don't worry y'all we go still have fun we can just take this to my house and I'll cook and get some drinks. I know right now that we all need to chill."
"Thanks Tameka we love you a lot and it's good to see you again by the way." My mother told her.
As we finished up at the house and watched them put the fire out I had a lot on my mind and to be honest I couldn't wait to just sleep. This day turned bitter quick but I'm glad that I had my friend to make it all worth it at the end.
Kendell didn't want to come, he said he wasn't ready to see the house and I respected his wishes. I got another call and she said that I had a fine for the property and I was mad as hell, I hated to ask anybody for the money, I was always independent and did things on my own but in this time of need I knew I needed it bad. 
"Hey Meka, I don't mind to bother you with my mess but can you help me with a loan? I got a call that my house went up in flames as well and I was charged a fine can I borrow something, and I promise when I get on my feet I got you."
She started to giggle.
"Girl we're best friends, you know I got you. "
"See that's why I love you, you got my back in all situations."
As we made it back to her crib she offered my parents a place to stay but they said that would just buy a hotel and rough it out until they  made it back on their feet. For the rest of the night we ate good and dranked the night away. I knew in the morning I had to call my girl and let her know about the info that I found out about Kendell and the mess that just transpired. Today was crazy and I was glad that I had a place to go to and that my parents were safe and sound.
It's been three days that my sis Charmaine has been staying at my place, after her and her parents lost their homes I've opened my house up to them and I had no problem doing so. Her folks told me that they didn't want to intrude and I told them that it was no problem helping. See I'm the kind of friend that if any one that I knew needed a helping hand I would do my best to make sure that they had it even if I lose. My friend was grateful, but also very sad so I've been looking into houses and things for her and her family and came across a great deal. So today I'll be surprising her and her family with a new home where they will be able to be rent free for two years. My dad's old boss knew some people and I got in contact with him and he was more than willing to help me out.
As a child I learned to always help and be a good sport whenever I could. As I moved around the kitchen preparing breakfast, I thought about Jonathan and how he would text me a good morning text and a good night text he was so sweet and attentive. I also couldn't help but think about Mario and how every time I saw him he reminded me of Kendell in a strange way, but I knew that Kendell was long gone and if I wanted to move on with Jonathan  I had to forget my past in order to have a future. 
I had my old school playing as I made my home girl a special breakfast
"Good morning, sleepy head I made you something to eat."
"Thanks girl but I'm not hungry" she said in a sad tone.
"Oh, babes cheer up cause I got an exciting day planned, and your parents should be here soon so let's get it started."
"Ugh, I guess, but what's so happy about it? We just lost everything and you're smiling?"
"Do you trust me?"
"Yeah, bu."
"Then trust me and eat and then get dressed cause you been sitting around pouting and today that all ends, it's time to smile and be merry."
She gave me a weird look, but she did as she was told.
"Hey yall what's up?"  Her dad came in interrupting the silence.
"Hey dad how was yall night?"
"It was good but uh, Tameka, what's the emergency and why we had to be here so early?"
"Well dad it seems like she's got something planned and no one knows but her."
"Well whatever it is I hope it's worth it, I usually stay in on gloomy days like this."
"Would you two hush and let this sweet girl do whatever it is that she wants I'm sure it's for a good cause." Her mom said with a warm smile.
"Yes, would you all just let me do my thang" I said in a sassy tone as I giggled.
As we all finished breakfast and prepared to leave, I stopped by the mall and let Charmaine and her parents pick out a few outfits and things that they might need, I told them that it was all on me and that I had no problem spending the money. They all were very grateful and almost brought out the mall, but I had no problem spoiling them.
"I know this is gonna sound weird, but Ima need you all to place these blind folds over yall eyes I got a surprise for you all and I don't need y'all peaking." I said passing them the blindfolds as we all got settled in the car.
"Girl what are you doing and how long we got to keep our eyes covered up?" Char said to me clearly confused.
"Not long maybe thirty minutes top I promise."
As they all took the blind folds and I prepared for the drive, I couldn't help but smile because they deserved this, and I couldn't wait to see the smiles on their faces.
As we arrived at the houses, I was in awe at the scenery and the way everything was so organized.
"Ok guys on the count of three, everybody take off your blind folds. ONE TWO THREE NOW! SURPRISE WELCOME HOME FAMILY!"
As they took off their blind folds, they couldn't help but stare and have the look of shock on all of their faces.
"Girl no you didn't! " Char said while beginning to cry tears of joy.
"Yes, I did, I know yall been down, so I pulled some strings and got yall new homes."
They jumped up and down as they all were hugging me tight. It was such a joy seeing the smiles and the happy tears. As her parents got settled in their fully furnished new home, I helped my girl in hers.
"Girl you got this place decked out nice, I got to repay you somehow." Char said looking around her new place.
"Girl that's cool but for now let's get you settled."
"Girl I love you so much and I promise anything you need I got you no matter what."
"Love you to girlie."
For the rest of the day we relaxed and had a wonderful time decorating everything to their liking.

My Sister's Keeper: A Tale Of Two Faces PART ONE Where stories live. Discover now