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The joy I had when Jonathan came through the door and told me what he did to Tameka. That night I knew he deserved some bomb ass sex and everything he desired. I was addicted to hearing the story over and over again. She didn't even know what was going on around her and poor little bitch didn't even know what life was. Her business was gone and soon her life would be to. I had to plan us a quick vacation so that we could escape quickly cause the heat was bout to overflow and burn our ass. I knew that Charmaine knew it was me and with some thought she could put Jonathan in the plan perfectly. She was on some sister's keeper bullshit blah blah blah and with that the cops were bout to lurk.

We decided to go to Paris and see the sights and shit just to waste time. No, we weren't really running but we had to be careful to make no traces. The next morning, we woke up to go check on the little bitch and see if she was still breathing. After our morning love making session we got dressed and jumped in the whip. After pulling up at the crib we grabbed the gasoline and matches. We knew we had to damage this place and be careful how we moved. As we walked in the stench of her bowls took over our air and made us gag our ass off. Wasn't caring if she saw my face at this point, probably wouldn't remember anyway. I was impressed of how he chained her up to the bed and had the needle deep in her arm positioned just right. She was just waking up and she gave a weak smile .

"Tammy girl help me I don't know what's going on."

"Damn what happened to you girl?"

"I don't know and why the hell is a needle in  my arm what the fuck?!"

As she was crying out for help I rushed over as if I was trying to help and delivered a slap to her face.

"Shut the fuck up you worthless piece of shit, you honestly believed I liked yo ass?"

"What the hell is going on?"

"Ask Charmaine she will gladly inform you."

The fear on her face was fucking hilarious as I untied her. I needed to drug her up so I can drag her out to the yard her voice was annoying me and I was tired of this crying and whining little girl mess.

"I don't understand what you doing this for; I thought you were my friend?"

A person once told me the next time you see a thought you better duck now shut up!"

Next thing I knew she tried to fight me and if an ass whopping was what she wanted she was go get one.

"Bitch if you don't stop hitting me!"

We sent blow after blow to each other, I was surprised she still had strength with the needle in her arm. The next thing I know Jonathan came where we were and gave her an evil look.

"You're still breathing?' Jonathan asked her.

"Bab baby help me I don't know what's going on ."

"Help you?"

"Yes, help me , I need some air and some clothes I feel so weak right now."

"Oh, okay I'll help you."

He gave me a smirk and I dropped her and left them to it. As I walked out I heard her scream and saw how he was beating her ass and telling her how worthless she was and how he couldn't stand her and all that good stuff. I was having a ball and decided to lay the icing down. I took out my phone and dialed Charmaine's number, the only reason I had it was because I needed to keep track of her.

"Hello who's this?"

"Hey girl what's up ?"

"Tammy what the hell, how you get my number?"

My Sister's Keeper: A Tale Of Two Faces PART ONE Where stories live. Discover now