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It's been like three days and still no info, I was felling defeated until I got a call today that shook my whole body. I found out that Tammy was a cop undercover and she's the one that set up Kendell years ago. I knew that bitch couldn't be trusted but how was I going to break this to Tameka? I knew I needed evidence, so I got the papers sent to me they would take a while to get here cause she wanted to see if she could find anything else that would bring her down.
After she was done she was gonna investigate Kendell to see if she could find anything. I decided to gather my bags and surprise my homie early, so we can get this hang out started I needed a getaway cause I was mad as hell and I had to sit in this bitch face and couldn't do a thing about it. My flight was leaving tonight and I made a mental note to also see my parents and chill with them. I loved my parents and I made it up in my mind that I would one day take care of them and would never dare put them in a retirement home. As I was packing I thought about all the info that could possibly be found on this bitch and what about Kendell? Where is he and is he safe cause I know he's not dead and I need to get him back to Tameka this love story is not over not by a long shot.
My flight was about to leave when I got a call from my girl and she told me to stay close to Tameka and when she told me why I was shocked, and I knew I had to dead this friendship between her and Tammy quick but for the moment I had to play it cool and try not to get caught up.
As my flight landed I got a ride to Tameka's house and at this point it was the next  morning and thank god I had a key because I knew she was sleep.
As I made my way inside I decided to take a shower and lay it down for the moment and try to get some rest. I had so much to think about and very little time to figure everything out and I hope I didn't wait too late cause if I did it ant no telling what could happen to Tameka and like I said I'm my sister's keeper and I be damn If something happened to her on my watch but little did I know a lot was about to happen and I couldn't control it at all. .......
A few hours later,I got up early and decided to cook her favorite breakfast. I started with the toast and hash browns and grits and eggs sausage and a little bacon. I added a little fruit and made her some coffee. I found a tray under the sink and placed her food on it. As I walked upstairs and slowly made my way to her room I placed her food down and jumped on top of her as she screamed and placed her hand over her heart cause I know I scared the hell out of her.
"Charmaine!!!" She shouted as she hugged me tight with tears rushing from her eyes.
"Sissy what's good you know I had to come early and surprise you and spend time with my bestie."
"When did you get here girl?"
"Early this morning it was still dark though, and look I even made you some breakfast."
"Thanks girl I sure didn't feel like cooking anything I still got to figure out how I'm gonna fix my office problems and the scariest thing happened the other day."
"Girl what happened?"
While she told me about the office mess and the guy she seen and how he also ended up passing her the keys to her car, I decided to keep an eye out but before business I had to lay some chill down so tonight me and my best girl was going out and of course that bitch Tammy had to come but she wasn't gone ruin our vibe and I was gonna make sure of it.
Later that day I decided to take her to the mall so that she could do some shopping and relax. I couldn't help but to ask what was wrong with her face and she said that she thinks that she broke out with something. Something strange was going on and those were hives and I knew she was allergic to cinnamon and I knew she was extra careful with everything, so I felt Tammy had something to do with this and I wasn't gonna rest until I figured it out.
As we made it to a coffee shop we got the same drink and decided to chill. As we were talking I noticed her face turned bright red, my eyes got big as hell.
"Girl what the hell is wrong with you and all these spots?"
"Girl I don't know but im not feeling too well can we go?"
"Yeah and hand me that drink I have a feeling that the drink is the cause of your break outs."
"How you figured that?"
"Cause they didn't start until you started drinking it."
As she passed me the cup I took it to the front I had the lady run down all the ingredients and just like I thought the drink had cinnamon in it I told the manager that my best friend was allergic and she apologized and told me that a girl came in the other day and ordered the same drink for my best friend and so she figured that since she seen her again that she would give her the same drink. My mind went to Tammy and knew that now I had to move back and keep my eyes on Tameka at all times cause this was all her doing and if I didn't know any better I could have sworn that she was trying to take Tameka's life and that was not happening at all.
As we made it back to her house and I played doctor to get some of the swelling down. I prayed that she would be okay to go out tonight. If not, we could wait and just have a movie night right here until she felt better. As she slept I decided to fix us a small dinner and get a movie ready since she wasn't up to going out. I felt so bad that she was going through this, she didn't deserve any of it and I pray that nothing else went wrong.

My Sister's Keeper: A Tale Of Two Faces PART ONE Where stories live. Discover now