To Make a Sacrifice

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Too fast for my liking, the people come and go. Some take longer than others in their sacrifice, but still, it feels like our turn is coming too quickly.

Finally, Strange is next. With a sigh, he walks up to Sabrina, and they both stare each other down. He takes a long moment to think. I don't think he knows what to sacrifice either. After a minute or so, I see him whisper something, and throw his doll into the fire. Sabrina nods, interested, but he ignores Her, walking back to his spot.

Then, Wong. He does not mind as much - after all, I'm pretty sure he's a spiritual man. He mutters his sacrifice almost immediately, throws the doll, and bows down, showing his respect to the dolls. I can tell Sabrina likes him better.

Victoire follows. I concentrate on the scene.

"So? What's your sacrifice?"

"I don't know, ma'am. It's the first time I've done anything like this."

"Well, you can sacrifice aspects of your life you find too hard to leave behind. Maybe things you like but are harmful, or just things you don't want anymore."

"Can I sacrifice something that my ancestors left me?"

Sabrina narrows Her eyes at her. She looks at her entire body for a while, probably sensing the growth in her energy, compared to the first time they saw each other. She's suspicious.

"Yeah. And what would that be?"

"...I sacrifice my power. And what the universe wants me to be."

With hesitation, she throws her doll. The fire turns red for a second. Victoire looks at Her for a moment, and even from where I am I can tell she's too nervous. Sabrina winks at her and makes a gesture so she walks back to the circle, which she does, trying her best to look confident.

It's my turn.

With Sabrina's eyes on me, I slowly make my way to Her side. She smiles, and before I can speak or move the doll, She holds my arm,

—That's it, right? —She whispers, and I frown. —The heir. That demon. It's pathetic. I'm not surprised my brother made it. —

I sigh. —I'm sure we can negotiate. She doesn't want the throne, you can tell. —

—I don't trust it. —for a second, She looks back at Victoire. Then, She focuses back on the ritual, seemingly wanting to ignore our problems until the end. —What's your sacrifice, Starchild? —

—I would rather keep it between me and the gods. —it's a great excuse - that way I don't actually have to think of one.

She shakes Her head. —No, we don't do that here. That's what they have me here for. —

—You are not a god. —

—They think of me as one. —She shrugs. —You don't know what to sacrifice, do you? I think I do. I mean, you've always been on the clouds, Kid, dreaming of situations that aren't possible to achieve. You could sacrifice that. Your hopes, your dreams. You expect a lot from them, and someday, they will hurt you, if they haven't done that already. —

What are my hopes?

Being Asgard's ruler is not a hope nor a dream; it's what I'm meant to be. I have worked hard these last years for the role of princess, and someday, queen. But now, Asgard is probably being destroyed and I have not heard any news from Father. I don't know if I will achieve that goal any soon.

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