Desperate Solutions

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Pride is blind, or maybe too naive. Pride thinks the ones they like, love them, and the ones they hate, envy them. Pride doesn't want to think everyone is against them.

Enter their secret oppositors; the house of Greed.

Well, they're not that secret. They're quite obvious, actually. But the house of Pride would not even consider that maybe their main ally is their main rival.

The castle of Greed directly faces the one of Pride, although it is a little smaller, and shinier, made of something similar to gold. Greed is very populated - and now that Hell is closed, it's more obvious, as most of those demons were busy in other worlds. They don't like being kept here. And, if Pride is the one stopping them from getting what they want, Pride should watch their back.

But Pride is still very greedy, just as Greed has a pride to protect.

The entrance of the castle of Greed is unique. To get inside, you must really want to be inside, and such is reflected in the complicated steps that lead into it. It takes a few jumps, another few choices, and a maze that is constantly changing and catches off-guard any non-physical demon that thought they were safe from confusion.

There's a method you can always trust when going through mazes; you take your right hand, place it against the right wall, then just walk and choose the paths without cutting the connection.

These walls keep changing by the minute, but still, it should work.


Three hours and thirty three minutes.

That's how long it takes to give up in the maze of Greed.

Sitting down might be the best thing to do at this point, at least to take a break before walking to find the exit, or maybe even where I came from. How do greed demons do this everyday?

Just as I put my back against the wall, it disappears, making me lay down on the floor facing the ceiling. Well, not the ceiling - what is probably a physical greed demon looks down on me, frowning.

—Oh, —I put a smile, —Hi. Is this the castle of Greed? —

They groan. —Nemo potest accipere in. —no one can get in.

—Maybe you should have made a sign outside saying that, I mean, I have been walking for three hours. —I sigh. —Can't you make an exception? —

—Minimē. —not at all.

—Don't worry, I'm not going to tell the queen anything. —I shrug, —Unless you don't let me in. Then I might tell Her to pay a visit Herself. —

They nod, and take a step back, signalling me to stand up. —Tu ambitiose. —

I'm in. Smiling, I stand up, and brush some stones off my hands. —Well, that's what you want, isn't it? —I take a look at the inside of the castle, which contradicts what the demon just said, as there are many demons inside belonging to each and every house, including Pride. —What are you planning? —

—Quid tu hic? —a wrath demon asks,

All eyes are on me, yet I don't feel nervous. I know they are as desperate as me, and maybe more. —I want to get out, just like you. I'm willing to help open the portal. —

What I can assume is an envy demon, a kind I just noticed I have never seen in my life, gets closer to me. —Quare? Habes omnia. —why? You have everything. —Regina amat te. —the queen loves you. —Hic es tutus! you are safe here.

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