Twenty-Three: Bon appétit

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The song Brooke is listening to while she's cooking
i <3 radiohead

Saturday (Week 3)

He looked different. He was standing in front of me, same person, same glasses, same sent (cigarettes and fresh bread), same Charlie. But yet—he was different

Maybe it was the haircut

He was soaked. There were little droplets of water on his glasses and coating his tanned skinned. His wet white t-shirt clung to his body as well as his black jeans. It was storming outside.

I looked at my bedroom window behind him that he just emerged from like he's done many times before in the past. I couldn't see the expression on his face very well considering it's night time outside and the only light I have on in my room is the lamp on my nightstand.

"What are you doing here, do you know what time it is?" I question him, confused but also slightly worried at the fact he's here at 1am. He doesn't say anything though. he just continues to stand there in front of me, staring. His hands were clenched by his sides as well as his jaw. i knew something was wrong, i tell you that much, because charlie never gets upset.

I slowly walk up to him until i'm only a couple inches away. "What, what is it? come on, I can tell you want to tell me somethin—"

"Come with me," he finally speaks, cutting me off. My words pause but my mouth stays open.

What the hell did he just say?

"What? come with you, come with you where?" I ask him frantically while I shake my head.

"Elly," he says as he grabs my shoulders to get my attention and I look up at him. "Elly!"

"What?" I say with concern as he shouts my his nickname for me.

"Elly—Eli, Eli, wake up!" he shouts as he shakes my shoulders.

With a scream I suddenly open my eyes that I didn't even realize were closed. "Eli, wake up. are you okay?" someone shakes me conscious. It takes a second for my senses to come to me again. first my hearing, then touch, smell, taste, then lastly sight. Brooke was above me, shaking my shoulders and calling my name.

"Damn girl, you were knocked out," Brooke says with a laugh once I'm fully awake. "By the way you drool when you sleep. Don't worry though, you're not the only drooler who's slept in my bed, now are you," she now talks to the cat laying on the bed next to me that I just noticed was there. The cat purrs and snuggles it's head further into Brooke's hand as she gently strokes the top of its head with the back of her fingers. "Pancakes?" she now directs her attention to me by asking.

She stands up from off the mattress and goes to pick up something from off the floor. I didn't even noticed that she was in nothing but matching set of black lace panties and bra. I've never noticed before how many tattoos she has. She has a full sleeve on her right arm, and then a giant dragon tattoo that cover the entirety of the left side of her body. She also has a belly button piercing that had a little red jewel in the middle. She throws on a pair of plaid pajama shorts and ties her medium length dyed hair back into a low bun.

I sit up on my elbows and watch her as she makes her way over to her kitchen to make what I can only guess is pancakes considering her offer. i took out a cigarette and swiftly lit it whilst she cooked and slightly swayed her hips to the music that she put on from the radio. I didn't stare for too long. I couldn't.

My head was pounded and I felt like I could throw up a little bit honestly. All signs pointed to a raging hangover.

If only I could put all the puzzle pieces together of how I ended up here.

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