Chapter 2: Hollywood Arts

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Tori woke me up, I sighed in annoyance.

"We are going to your school today right??" I asked as I got up from bed.

"Yep." Tori said excitedly and pulled me up from bed.

Tori and I went downstairs and had some breakfast. We prepared for school and I joined her.


We arrived school with Trina since mom cant drop us off. "Enjoy the school (y/n)" Trina said and walked off with some other people. I just stared at her and walked of with Tori.

"How do you get in this school?" I asked Tori.

"U just audition just like in movies." Tori explained

"Sure." I shrugged and walked off with her.

"Hey Tori." A group of teenagers greeted her as she went to her locker.

"Guys, this is my sister (y/n) and she is the one Im telling you about." Tori explaied to them

"Im Beck. This is Cat (he said pointing to the red-head), this is Andre (he said pointing at him), this is Robbie (he said pointing at the boy with afro hair with nerdy glasses), and finally Jade (he said pointing at the girl with blue, green, and magenta highlights)." Beck introduced.

I was mesmerized by Jade's beauty, and to be honest I never find any girls attractive, tho, this hits different. I kept staring at her. When she finally caught me I looked away.

"Are you new here?" Cat asked

"Nope, Im here to get admitted." I replied

"Were you staring at me (y/n)??" Jade asked protectively.

"No I wasnt." I stuttered and blushed.

"Anyways, let me show you around." Andre said.

"Thanks Andre. U guys coming??" I asked

"Sure thing, we are heading to Sikowitz class anyways." Robbie exclaimed.

I followed Andre and the rest followed behind. I heard whispers from Jade, Tori and Beck talking about how cute Andre and I are. Im sorry but I am bi and I havent told anyone.

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