#.062 ★ he's in the rain

791 57 30

( seungmin + jiseok )

she died jiseok


who died??

don't tell me...

yes exactly
who you are

my mother

oh my god seungmin

how long for?

she's permanently

... i get that

he's probably
not thinking clear|
he's probably |

i meant since when


two days

where are
you rn?

at her

the graveyard
near the end of
the city?



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jiseok didn't even have time to see 
seungmin's message properly as he immediately found himself at the entrance of his house, awkwardly trying to put on a pair of sneakers a few numbers larger.

he could hear the indistinct chatter of his sister asking him where he was going, that afternoon there was a rain that didn't seem to stop anytime soon and if he had gone out at that moment he would have surely caught a cold.

he paid no attention to it though, his only fixed thought was seungmin.
after quickly tying his shoes, he grabbed an umbrella from near the door and then left the house.

he honestly didn't know where he was going, his vision was blurred by the rain drops falling on his forehead, his clothes were already soaked and the rules of the road he had been taught as a child had gone to hell.

he had risked getting run over once or twice, he honestly hadn't been there to keep track, but he didn't have time to play by the traffic light rules
not when seungmin needed him.

he ran as fast as he could, his shoes had slipped off and remained there, abandoned in a small puddle that was occasionally caressed by the raindrops that formed like a pattern on it.

but he didn't care, after looking for two seconds at that deserted shoe, he said goodbye to it and then started running again, under the gaze of all the passers-by who were probably wondering why that boy hadn't opened the umbrella he was holding tight, with a clenched fist that almost made him bleed.

the umbrella would have only hindered his insane running.

because what he was doing was seriously insane,
he could have conveniently taken a cab and driven to his destination,
or just write a line or two of fake sorrow like he usually does.

but the sorrow that jiseok was feeling, at that moment, was far from fake.
jiseok cared about seungmin's health, he cared about the fact that the boy hadn't touched food since the machine that controlled his mother's heart had started to go crazy,
cared about the fact that seungmin probably couldn't even tell the difference between rain and his tears anymore.

he cared about whatever it was about seungmin.

the appointed boy - as expected - found himself in front of his mother's grave.
he looked at her with an impassive face, not allowing even the slightest emotion to escape.
He simply did not know how to vent his pain.

in his mind a thousand thoughts were sending him into confusion
the fact that from that day on he would have to see his mother only in the photos,
that he would no longer be able to bring her those flowers that she so
liked so much,

he could no longer tell her how happy those five boys he had made friends with made him,
he could no longer tell her that he loved her....

oh, if he had only told her i love you just once more.

from that day on, that barely 18 year old boy would have to learn how to deal with the adult world without a mother to teach him or tell him how proud she was of him.

while he was looking at the photo placed near the bouquet of blue roses he noticed that the rain was no longer caressing his body, like a cold embrace. the drops that before made a unique melody and replaced the silence were now lighter and more weak as if something was stopping them.

he turned to see who had stopped this phenomenon, finding himself facing the last person he would have expected... or maybe not.

jiseok was there, in front of him looking at him with a pitiful smile, wet from top to bottom, the drops still falling down his forehead because of his soaked hair and his breath heavy because of the run he had just done

there he was, facing him as he rendered him an umbrella to protect himself from what was a cold hug a few minutes before.

now, the hug he was reselling was still cold but more comfortable.
he sank into jiseok's arms and finally was able to cry all the things he hadn't done in the previous days.

and jiseok didn't move, he let him.
the sobs were getting louder and louder, seungmin's hands were holding the fabric of jiseok's sweatshirt tight, almost ruining it.

but it didn't matter if that made seungmin feel better.

what a fool jiseok was, he had shown up in front of seungmin's mother's grave in sweatpants, unlike the boy in front of him who was in smocking.

the sobs became thinner and weaker until they disappeared completely.
probably it had passed something like ten minutes, but if it helped seungmin then the boy was willing even to land his shoulder for hundred years just to make him feel good, at least.
❝ is it better?❞ jiseok asked, pulling the older boy away by a few months so he could see his face, and the other boy nodded, too embarrassed of himself to look at jiseok's face.

seungmin therefore shifted his gaze to the ground, noticing jiseok's white sock that was slightly dyed red, something that made him gasp.

❝ oh god ji, you're injured!❞
now that he had pointed it out, jiseok had a cut on the sole of his foot caused by a stone he had stepped on, but his feet were so cold he hadn't even noticed.

❝ no, i'm okay.❞ jiseok replied, smiling slightly at the concern she had given him

❝ you're clearly not!❞ seungmin exclaimed, the grip he had on jiseok's sweatshirt was replaced by him tucking it under his arm in such a way as to help him stand ❝ come on, I'll take you to my house.❞

mrs. oh was afraid at first, she didn't want to leave her son alone in a world with so much contempt so she had always tried to fight until the very end.
since she had met that strange friend who had made her son all those worries disappeared.

seungmin was mature, he had always been mature and certainly living alone would not have been difficult,
but if someone was there with him, it'd be more than wonderful.

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