#.095 ★ beach part ii

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tip for the future : never leave jooyeon unattended near the stoves or he might burn every thing possible (even the wall)

now, the boy was confined in his room under jungsu's instructions who would've forbidden him even to breath if only gunil didn't stop him from wrapping his hands around jooyeon's neck.

short story not so happy they had no more food available except for the burnt (very burnt, the burntest they could be) brownies.

"i have an idea!" jooyeon threw the doors of his room wide open, causing his friends who had not expected it to have a heart attack

since no one had said a word yet, making jooyeon stand there like an idiot, junhan, who felt embarrassed for him, asked "what is it?"

jooyeon then unfreezed and proceeded to explain "when i was young i always went to play around the beach and there was an old grandpa who always offered me food! i can go there and ask him to give us something." he said, his smile resembling the :] emoticon as he was proud of making his half braincell work

"then let's go." hyeongjun said, getting up from his seat and taking jooyeon outside the angry house. by the time they come back, everyone would've cooled down. it wasn't jooyeon's fault anyways, he even burnt a bird one time.

rest in piss that poor pigeon.

anyway, the two boys headed for the beach, which was divided from the house only by a few feet of concrete, made to reach the shore without burning their feet during the warmer months

it was only the beginning of June, so the sand was not so hot despite the fact that it was almost 1:30 p.m.

"leave your slippers here." jooyeon told junhan that he did as mentioned, the sole of his foot in contact with the sand made hyeongjun shiver, it was a feeling he hadn't experienced since he was a child so it gave him a feeling of déjàvu.

to be honest, his situation was quite painful for him. his parents were not very affectionate, they were never even affectionate with each other, reason why hyeongjun hated physical contact, having received it a few times during his childhood.

but during a vacation at the beach, he and his cousin were playing near the rocks when, the bracelet that hyeongjun's parents had made for him for his birthday broke, ending up in the water. the child, in order not to lose it, dove in turn hitting his head and fainted from the blow.

that time, it was one of the few times he felt his mother's skin on his, her body heat warming his limbs, with his small hand clutching the recovered bracelet.

so he didn't think his parents would never accept his being, he just needed time. they were born in a different generation, surely they didn't understand the youth mentality as we don't understand the one to come, everything has its time, and with a little patience he would be able to be accepted by those who had given him life.

"thinking about death?" jooyeon at one point roused him from his thoughts with one of his usual pearls. but junhan liked it that way, whatever jooyeon said, repetitive or boring, he would listen.

"no." he replied simply, "i was." jooyeon then said, making the taller man cringe.

"why's that?" hyeongjun asked, willing to help his fiancé in whatever difficulties he was facing

"if i ever need to die, i want it to be memorable." jooyeon paused to see if hyeongjun was actually paying attention before continuing. he was, he always was and always will be.

hyeongjun was not a person of many words, but his eyes said it all; and fortunately jooyeon was a very good observer.

"such as?" jooyeon started walking backward, not afraid to stumble or not seeing something behind him, he was under the watchful eye of hyeongjun who would warn him in time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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